
>Both are groups of armed protesters exercising their Second Amendment rights and using guns as a prop much like the French Yellow Vest protesters employed guillotines.

Despite the strong password spelling, I read that the baby’s name is Sasha Archangel 

No, nope and naw! She was respectful to them in her approach, her tone and her appeal to think of someone BESIDES themselves and they responded like next gen Misogynoirists: they insulted her looks! They’d have whispered that shit as they hustled off if it had been ANY Black or white male said it and slunk away not

I really don’t want to hear another story or see anymore footage of police officers abusing black and brown children with the bullshit excuse of “I feared for my life.” If those officers could stand there and let those low life sacks of shit scream at them and act like the fucking gestapo and not raise one finger or

No, we can’t.  She’s 30.  She’s been through the ringer and with her mom being sick, I’m sure she’s using songwriting as a major outlet.  Her touring will definitely slow but she’ll continue to release music and I will love every minute of it. 

If my camera is on I am dressed all the way, mostly because I am convinced the moment I try a pantsless call the house will catch on fire and everyone will witness me, pantsless, trying to catch the cat and flee the house. 

I’ve written on these sites several times about my wife, a nurse, and how the best things I’ve been able to do to support her has been to scour the community begging and pleading for whatever PPE people are willing to donate for her and her team to be safe. Do you know which individuals have, by a ridiculous margin,

Now playing

Ok, I’m going to be a pedant here, but that Gymnastics scene at the beginning was all wrong for the time period. They went to the trouble of giving her a ‘70's style leotard, but had the uneven parallel bars set up in the modern (post mid1980's) style, and had her doing a modern routine. An era-acurate routine would

I take my cat out in a stroller every day in warm weather. I hear “Is that a cat?!?!?!” roughly every 2 minutes. I’ll attach a leash to her harness and put her on the grass in the park, and she immediately jumps right back in her stroller.

Personally, I find it to be less the website’s tone but this author in particular. There have been numerous complaints in the comments about the things she writes and the tone she uses.

I just called the police

And if I am gonna have to talk about the pain, I have a responsibility to talk about the joy. It’s quite literally why black lives matter. The failure to do both is why people get the impression that the whole of “blackness” can be summed up in conversations about poverty, violence and discrimination.”

Over a minute...it took over a minute before I got it.

Bye, son.


I feel like there are a lot of ways they could have handled this exit, even with all the Izzie stuff. Maybe he found out about the kids, decided to take a job to move closer to them and asked Jo to join him. She declined but understood (as did everyone else) and they amicably ended things. Or maybe she split her time

Seems like you are enlarging the relatively small difference between Sanders and Warren and making it a huge chasm.  

Warren was not a perfect candidate, but she was the most competent candidate this year.

I legit have never seen a show before Bojack deal with antidepressant weight gain and still say “even if they have side effects like that you stillneed to take your antidepressants if they make you more stable” and I’m so glad the show came at it from that angle both in the first half of the season and here. Then they

First and foremost, i’m guessing none of y’all here is HIV(+). As an HIV(+) person of 18 years, what transpired between Pray and Ricky rang true to me. You’ve no idea about the damage that HIV wrecks on one’s psyche. When I was diagnosed in 2001 my doctor told me: “Don’t despair. This is manageable now like diabetes.”

So when you say ‘actual actors’ last season, what you mean was ‘every white character’ from last season?