Sticky Fingers is my favorite of the big four.
Sticky Fingers is my favorite of the big four.
That is a photo of the x games in san francisco. I went to that.
"I believe with that bullet we have seen the beginning of a great war— world war 1 !"
they are both good books
People don't have abortions as a joke. Some people do think that they should be able to judge other people on their reason to have an abortion. Fuck that noise.
Stupid people that no one you know follows say stupid things on twitter
I was totally into REM for the for their two albums and then kind of drifted away since then. Their songs on the radio were still good.
The first two The New Pornographers albums are great. "Twin Cinema" was pretty meh in my book though. Stopped listening at that point.
Jasper does heroic things to impress women he has a crush on.
I thought it might be good from the trailer. I think everything might be good from the trailer.
That is a good suggestion. I would like that.
I still burn MPs to cd and play them in my car. Bluetooth just runs down my phone battery and is hard to futz with.
So many movies are strongly color corrected into dark blue all movie long. I like how inception mixed things up.
"That high doesn’t last long, however, since just as they’re enjoying the
praise, the woman returns to apologize for having relayed the
compliment to them; it was really intended for two other nearby
gentlemen. Left deflated beyond repair, they vacillate between anger and
embarrassment, which Östlund depicts in a…
I don't know either.
Yeah it definitely steps up in the later episodes.
Apparently that show is the reason that PRI broke off from NPR. NPR refused to put it on the air. After the success of the show someone asked the decision maker at NPR if he regretted it and he said no because it is a horrible show.
The article mentioned in the letter doesn't have any additional evidence. the mention of Cosby is just in the authors summary of the book before the interview.
They only make legal karaoke songs of songs that are real popular (or songs someone thinks will be real popular). There is a bootleg version of "Your Little Hoodrat Friend" out there somewhere though.
I am culturally heartless. Even if I really like some artist, I will drop them like a hot potato if they get bad reviews.