I would think it would be more of a bannable offense for being an awful looking controller, myself.
Even if it’s good PR they are getting, I don’t care as long as the man got what he needed to fix the problem. Good customer service should always be praised. :)
You do realise that was part of the joke? The media blew the notice out of proportions and went all crazy over it, which is why PewDiePie mocks them in the video.
Couldn’t possibly be because 1) Overwatch is super popular; 2) Overwatch has lots of interesting & distinct character designs; and 3) therefore lots of Cosplayers are putting a lot of effort into Overwatch costumes. = lots of the notable cosplay this year is Overwatch. Nah, has to be bribery! ;)
Mmmm, chunky, industrial, non-aerodynamic space ships.
I’m here for the poutine conversation?
Not as daddy as Gladio, but I’ll take it.
Hey Kotaku, you can hire me to do this sort of work. I work for cheap.
Not really a entry, since I did not create it. Nor does it use the recommended image. But yeah, I thought this was worth posting. I’m hoping Ellie says “I’m already a demon”. Let the hate flow through you..
He personally didn’t sign any NDAs when buying the dev kit at auction so he’s not under any legal contract. If someone is in trouble its the ex studio. But I doubt anything will come of it due to the heavy encryption of the files.
They are, you pretty much are just renting them and are supposed to return them once you are done with them. I am amazed one would actually end up in a liquidation auction since the buyer would be expecting a letter (with scary legal language) telling them to surrender it immediately and that they will not be…
Is that legal? I could’ve sworn that dev kits are covered by all kinds of NDAs and aren’t even technically owned by the studios that use them.
While the sword and costume are certainly impressive, I’d like to know how much work it took to get those abs. It’s kind of hard to cosplay Gladio without them.