
Well, come on; it’s Acton.

Those of us who mourned Saab have moved firmly into the “acceptance” phase.

This is well-worn, but more apropos than ever:

Maybe just GET him some oxygen.

Quick! Someone get a hold of O’Reilly’s cue cards!

There are four lights, Sean.

Am I the only one getting a Cersei Lannister vibe from her?

Got a couple hundred mil lying around? If so, line right up.

Blue county in a red state, here; I’ve never even tried it before, but at this point...

I can repair automobiles and aircraft (both fixed and rotary wing) and (this may become important) remember most of my high school French.

Ford has you covered.

The Caddy doesn’t look like an electric razor.

That’d be my guess...probably a result of his cross country road trip.

That PT Cruiser review hit a little close to home, did it?

Read the McDonald’s case. It’s used in pretty much every Business Law 101 class, and it was completely valid.

Grand Marquis/Town Car, as well, or just the Vics?

Until I can afford the real thing...

“Shome things in this airport do not react well to bulletsh.”

The 929 was gorgeous—it was a tough choice, but the deciding factor was the tiny trunk- it wouldn’t fit my then- infant daughter’s stroller.

That’s an ‘89. :) Agreed that the turbo would have been the way to go- at the time I wasn’t even looking at Volvos and was all set to pull the trigger on a ‘94 Mazda 929 when the 740 showed up on the lot. I was all, “huh. This Volvo has a much bigger trunk and it’s a stick...don’t see too many of those.”