
My neighbor has one of these- he yells at his kids a lot. I can only assume there’s a correlation.

The one service the EXT did for humanity was to give us the best car review ever written-

You got a Cobalt, and the world knows.

I want to meet the person who wanted a LeBaron convertible as a kid.


Yeah, but they didn’t like it, and they let you know it.

It’s funny because it’s true.

Let’s put it this way: the e39 is up on jackstands in the garage, and I just bought an ‘06 Cadillac STS as a daily driver, almost purely out of frustration.

The 2002 HOT was rated at 205.

A Good Viggen will set you back more than $5,000, usually.

I owned one absolutely identical to this about 7-8 years ago...not the most reliable car I’ve owned, but damned if it wasn’t the fastest and most fun.

“It’s also a BMW, so people will assume it’s broken down.”

e39 owner here. They would assume correctly.

Nothing; whazza the matzoh with you?

When I first brought home my e39, I took out the jack to make sure I knew its proper placement and operation.

That thing was a joke. It tipped over on the perfectly level floor of my garage. Twice.

My own personal time is worth more than the labor rate to install the new struts. I would need to bring it in for an alignment anyway.

That is one pissed off looking Cylon.

Spring compressors.

Nope, I’ll let the shop change out my struts, thanks.

“Mmmmm....Shai Hulud.”

You were told incorrectly, then- they’re sold in the states in quite small numbers.