I’d play a remake but I just can’t do the loading. Sorry, PSX.
I’d play a remake but I just can’t do the loading. Sorry, PSX.
Tbh, Poo is a bit of a wiener but he makes some good points and he’s done a lot for the community.
Hate to say it, but if I had the income of some of these big streamers for 6 months, I could set up a handsome life. Even if I lost 90% of the subs, managing that influx of several hundred thousand dollars properly would create enough stability that the smaller sub base would not bother me.
Thanks for the snapchat pics.
He is. If you go to the bridge of the Ragnarok during disc 4 he tells you “we need to talk” but nothing ever comes of it. It’s never explicitly stated but heavily implied. Raine was his mama.
Baby Jabba looks like Slimer.
Poke Masters are a repressed people and he shouldn’t be making light of any of this. It’s serious business.
It’s a joke. Like someone saying “Ok Boomer” to someone who isn’t a boomer. Why get offended and upset? If the extreme behavior doesn’t apply to you, it has nothing to do with you.
I’m waiting for the movie: “Not Without My Squirtle: The Tale of the True Pokemon Masters”
We should be eating more veal and lamb, it’s a clear solution for the problem with livestock and methane. If we don’t let them grow up, they can’t fart.
I also don’t see it. Seems pretty harmless, no ones advocating genocide or telling you how to conduct your Dexit strategy. It’s just asking that you keep the virulent anger in check for a single holiday. Not everyone needs to hear about how upset you are over your lack of a Squirtle. Especially during a time when…
I spent the last year playing FFXI on a private server (Eden) and it’s a clusterfuck. The project had so much potential and it was mismanaged to hell and back. This is a case of 1% of the player base being given artificial advantages over other players.
It’s much better if you unwind the paperclip and wrap a condom around the sharp end. You fill the condom with chili oil and blindly stab the paperclip into your ear as deep as you can get it. Once the condom full of chili oil ruptures, proceed to stab the paperclip into your ear 4-5 more times to make certain there’s…
DBZ - dragon ball zoomer
It was confirmed by Nintendo that it was a metaphor for Brexit and that the removal of certain Pokemon were a statement against the current state of the world. Climate change, Rick & Morty, Watchmen, etc. It’s not our fault you don’t have the IQ to see the genius behind their motivations.
It’s the libtards and their deep state fucking with the media again. It’s all part of their plan to remove Trump from office.
I’m using a 42" Samsung plasma from 2005/06 and it’s still going strong. I bought it for $2800 (I think) and told myself I’d replace it when it failed. Stupid thing won’t stop working!
I’ve been mulling over Stadia because I completely skipped this generation of games and my PC can’t run anything without crashing. Changed my mind with PS5 and Scarlet (Game Pass) and backward compatibility. Next generation is going to be amazing, I haven’t played a single first party game since the release of either…
Look at the Fall and Rise of Final Fantasy XIV on Youtube.