
I did.

Experience being swallowe....

Well... it was unladen afterwards.


Amen, brother.

Woo! A hat tip!!!

Want to FEEL the effect of "straightening" curves?

As a fellow cyclist too, this scenario scares the crap out of me. Granted this is at night, and I'm never on the road after dark, but it's just too easy to get clobbered by an inattentive driver.

I figure it's only a matter of time before I won't have a choice and will have to stop being the nice neighbor about this.

I can almost feel sorry for this driver.

Whenever possible, I park tight to the edge of a curb in an end-spot. I almost always back in to do so; my wife may never understand just how easy it is when referencing in a properly-adjusted side mirror.

Nice. I'm envious.

Riding home from college circa 1994 with a couple of friends and my girlfriend, she and I passed out in the backseat of the roughly 1984 Chevy Celebrity Eurosport 4cyl (that name always seemed to me to be a contrast in terms).

Plattsburgh? My wife went to school there. What's taking you up there?

IMHO, yes, it counts.

Sorry, sorry, seems I struck a nerve.

Not sure about the rest, but ahhhh... spaetzle. :-)

That guy is so lucky the deer went over the top rather than joining him in the cabin.

Wait, is this a diesel rotary?