
This is just sad, and so unnecessary. Students always have access to community colleges, which are real institutes of higher learning, and are a wonderful bargain for students. If you’re thinking about signing up at a for-profit, check out your local community college first.

I want to be this lady when I grow up! I’m not a fast runner so at this point my only hope is that I outlive the competition...

I gasped. I forget that 15 is still a child. I’m trying to picture a girl TWO YEARS YOUNGER than this girl, being grilled on the stand by the defense.

Wow 95 years of hits!! How time flies!!

I did thoroughly enjoy the doctor trying to explain why the letter was written in fluent Trump-speak.

A little off topic, but still Trump-related: Is it only obvious to me that Trump wrote his doctor’s letter then had him sign it?

I know, but if you’re clever with it, you can convince people of a concept that they would absolutely not agree to otherwise.

I’ve started just going “I TOTALLY agree” and then stating the opposite opinion. It’s hilarious. People are like “I don’t think you understood me...” and then you can be like “Oh my goodness, you’re so right” and restate your opposite opinion. People have no idea what to do.

This shit right here! I have several people in my life who act this way and I’m like, “You realize you’re an adult essentially saying ‘na-na-na! I can’t hear you!’, right?”

I’m not certain you actually have any options. Death via kebab-stabbing may be the best thing in the long run for everyone in the family. You MUST do this.

But still: Secretary Clinton and Jezebel felt like a match made in media expediency heaven.

Ok, so I live in Oklahoma. I think I’ve found the only liberal beacon of a workplace in Okla. City, but in 2008 I was at a more conservative university working as a student adviser. I walked into work the morning after election with a spring in my step, just happy as a clam. And everyone else was SO depressed. And I

Justices Ginsburg, Kagan, Obama, and Sotomayor

legit why i watched fox news for election results in 2012...was NOT disappointed

Trust me, she’s ready and typically used to debating people that aren’t sentient circus peanuts that got left in your trunk while at the Arizona State Fair. She’s a policy wonk that will be hard to top in that arena. Trump would’ve had to have them drilled in his head.... for the last to years... to at least pretend

I would love to know how Tim Kaine and Mike Pence are preparing. I hope Biden is teaching Kaine the right way to say malarkey and the best way to laugh dismissively whenever Pence opens his mouth.

Hmmm.... maybe if her staff perused the comments on the “No Man’s Sky” article, and recruited the commenters with the most misspellings and gendered invectives, then deprived those guys of food but gave them alcohol and PCP, they might approach Trumpian-levels of discourse in a mock debate.

They really should. Some problems really are this easy to solve. Every study (and practice) on the planet has demonstrated that free and unfettered access to sex education and reproductive health for women literally crushes poverty rates. More than trade policy, tweaking taxes, factory jobs, or anything else.

my grandmother is around betty white’s age, and she’s doing good too. its so funny to watch her watch anything with betty white in it, because i KNOW she’s comparing ability.

And we sold William Shatner’s kidney stone for $75,000