
You're almost right. He spat in her face while simultaneously making contact with her face with is left hand. She advanced toward to confront him and then he knocked her out. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, but Ray Rice hit her with his throwing hand. Obviously, he isn't a QB, but he does have a throwing hand,

And I have to shit like a Led Zepplin has to rock. I need a commode and I need one NOW!

A parent who has not experienced that does not really love his or her children. Or is exceptionally lucky.

Ugh, I can't believe I'm about to share this.

I think I can win this.

Out of the greys for you because you used the word cunt (such an underused word)

I understand what you're saying and people in abusive relationships are in a terrifying situation which may get worse and which we as a society need to get 1000x better at dealing with. But 1.5 million women are abused by a partner or ex partner each year and about 1000 of them are killed- 700-800 will have been in

Not just teenagers make that mistake unfortunately.

Abusers are extremely manipulative. They are abusive because it works for THEM. Controlling a partner through fear, isolation and gaslighting is far easier than actually having to put positive work into making a relationship healthy and functional all of the time. Cooperating with another person can be difficult as it

If abusers weren't great at manipulating people, no one would stay in abusive relationships. Abusive relationships are often very complicated, and abuse can creep in slowly. Sometimes it's hard to recognize from the inside until it's too late. Can we not blame abuse on the 'insanity' of those being abused?

There is no better proof that this world is unjust than the fact that Robin Williams is dead and this fucking douchebag is still alive.

I use to go to other sites and read the comments and think "thank goodness Jezebel is not like that." The previous systems that use to be in place that promoted and encouraged quality commenting really made a difference. It is still not quite as bad as other places but I don't really see as much of a difference

This isn't a trivial "Coke vs. Pepsi" personal preference issue where you can dismiss your critics as "haters" like a tween with a selfie fetish. When your lifestyle choices pose a harm to the rest of society then you deserve all the criticism and ridicule you get. We shouldn't have to pay with our health and safety

Please get video of that, I almost laughed until I peed from the mental image.

Is it weird that I don't believe in Heaven except when it comes to animals? There has to be an animal heaven.

I think I'm giving up on humanity for a little while.

Such important points. It's not just about YOU ("you" being privileged person who can just up and move). I'm sorry for everything you went through but you are exactly why abortion is so important.

This just kind of confirms my suspicion that they (but Eddie especially) are just really... sleazy. The potshots at Brandi for no reason, the little jabs... Like, YOU GUYS ARE THE CHEATERS! She was PREGNANT when she found out her husband was publicly stepping out on her! She gets to be mad. It's the way they frame it