
This completely sounds like a relationship I was in. Every single thing I did was nitpicked, I was constantly "negged," ignored when I did something "wrong," every time I went out with friends I was bombarded with whining to the point that I ended up not going out anymore just to not have to deal with it. Then one

"She said she was scared of him."


I remember this feeling from my abusive relationship. If you are scared, there is a reason! I am just so thankful I left before I became a victim. Unfortunately, she wasn't so lucky. May she rest in peace.

Trust me - no one ever plans on getting involved with an abuser. They don't abuse you on the first date. Abuse slowly happens like a dial being turned up, while they wage a covert war against your self esteem/life. Abusers are amazing manipulators - they wouldn't abuse you if you just treated them "right" or learned

All the classic signs of an abuser. Isolating the victim from her support base by making trouble at an important gathering (more bang for buck - get 'em all at once), projection and jealousy, moods that turn on a dime. That poor woman. She obviously got wise that he wasn't worth it, dumped him and paid the ultimate

This struck a chord with me too. Reeva's words were my words, not too long ago. I was married to a man who acted like this. He did not murder me, perhaps only because I left him before he had the chance. All abuse lives on a spectrum, and given enough time and opportunity, I believe all emotional abuse will turn

So it's white people that should join up with the racist, homophobic, misogynistic, forced-birther (I'd think a racist like you would be all for calling a spade a spade) Republicans because...the brown people who are just as racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and pro forced-birth are all Democrats because we white

So you're admitting that Republicans are a bunch of racist, homophobic misogynistic, forced-birthers but think that blacks and latinos are just being bribed not to vote for the party of racists. Keep going. I'm learning sooo much.

Oh my fucking god you're hilarious. "Margot Sanger hated black people so she's bad but the reason she hated black people isn't wrong!" "You give thing's permission to grow inside you when you have sex! Gonorrhea is sacred!" Shine on you special forced-birther, you. Shine on...

"You do realize that the early proponents of abortion (Margaret Sanger) wanted to do it in order to curtail the black population, so many minorities do think abortion is wrong."

Now playing

This one is so confusing. So...you went to college! Yay bootstraps! Oh, but you're upset that there are things you have to do after college — like applying for jobs or paying back loans? And you want someone to get rid of all those roadblocks for you? Isn't that asking for some sort of....GOVERNMENT HANDOUT?

My Republican to English dictionary translates "opportunity for all" to bootstraps.

Oh my god, you guys... I think I am a republican now. I woke up miserable, I am wearing a striped shirt, I hate my job, I want more opportunities in life, I drank a coffee, I looked at the news, I used to be a barista, I am constantly interrupted while running, I have a kitchen (sort of) and a car that I pump gas

The Republicans are marketing geniuses. They have a terrible product, yet they are able to brand it well enough to continue to sell it— even to people who are going to be actively harmed by it. The Democrats, on the other hand, have a decent (mostly) product but just cannot seem to market it to save their lives.

A 22 pound cat is attacking your baby and you're going to go look for the spray bottle? I can never remember where I last left mine, and I wouldn't let my child out of my sight if he or she were under attack. Defending your child from an animal seems like a reasonable response to me. I'm going to give them the

I'm rooting for anything at this point. A bolt of lightening. Quicksand. A portal to another dimension. I'll take literally anything bad happened to this piece of shit. A splinter. A papercut. I'll take whatever* the universe has got on hand.

Me too. Signed, mother of two black boys.

I have a mechanic husband, a two year old, and a puppy who will likely be a 150lb adult with long hair, so a Dyson was sorely needed! I totally agree that it was so heavy, that's why I really needed this for the stairs! I also hate having to move heavy furniture to vacuum in small cracks so I hope this will help with

I'm buying myself nothing, because I'm buying as little as possible this holiday season. I'm "destashing" and knitting everything. While working on other's gifts, though, I'm making myself these.

The Original Magic Wand—$55 ($41 on sale) Good Vibes

The new "Fellowship" eyeshadow collection from Geek Chic Cosmetics. $27 for 8 awesome loose powder eyeshadows? AND free shipping? Yes, please!