
Corona? Unfortunately named.

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That weird ass beeping riff came from this song originally.

every end is a new beginning.

Wheeler Dealers featured an episode where they refurbished one, that’s why I was asking.

Wasn’t there a special edition Mini Cooper released fairly recently to honor him?

Something like the messenger drone on the Mach 5 from speed racer?

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Why does the title of this article read like the title of a Friends episode?

Correct, and sometimes bifurcate

Anything that appears on Mythbusters, after they’re done with it.

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I remember it being made cool, but not by Honda themselves.

Asimo. Which has apparently been retired.

Or turning it into a t bucket.

Didn’t the Gloria have a twin of sorts, called the Cedric?

Would have to be mine, since selling someone else’s without their consent is probably not a good idea.

Okay, how much of my bodily organs would I have to sell to afford this car?

Aren’t the trucks they use in the Truck racing series regular trucks when not being raced?

That Buick one reminds me of this.