We are aware. We load this page more than anyone else.
We are aware. We load this page more than anyone else.
Didn’t take long for the dipshits to appear complaining about this article being “political” when it’s commenting on a game that is deliberately portraying cold war politics for fun.
I think I own just about all of them except for the originals now (sold my PS3 copy a while back) so can’t complain too much, I suppose. But they were also crazy cheap by the time I bought most of them on PC...
First thing I thought was: lucky they weren’t black
“Always bugs me when people say it’s been in development for 8 years.” It bugs you when people speak accurately about the game?
How’s that kool aid taste?
I don’t need a conversation about the cycle of abuse if no other famous abusers need a conversation about the cycle of abuse. Did you need one for Bill Cosby? Did you need one for Weinstein? Why is Corey special? There have been dozens of articles written about this weirdo, he cannot stay out of the media. He has the…
Yes, it certainly explains it, though it does not excuse it or give him a pass. Statistically many, many child molesters were victims themselves, do we forgive them to?
This is peak "yikes". They're really catering to a certain crowd.
Watch_Dogs 2 was a ton of fun. I liked the first one, in spite of its rather heavy-handed messaging, but 2 was an improvement in almost all respects. I’m not ashamed to admit the culmination of the Hack Teh World questline made me feel like a genuine badass.
My only real complaint, is that for all his comparative…
Ari, did you guys get wind of this yet?
You’re not wrong. And I’d also add in: this was how society was in the 1990's and early 2000's. Yes, there was a spectrum, and yes, The Man Show branded itself as being further along that Bell Curve than, say, Late Night with Jay Leno.
lol might be a good time to talk about how avengers existing as pop culture icon and running around the world saving things props up and legitimizes american policing and militarization
This is gonna sound so old man yells at cloud but I’m so sick of licensed lego products. Just bring back classic pirate and castle shit!
If the owner is waking up in the middle of the night sweating an IMS failure with a variety of easy fixes at different price points, then an engine swap would give him a stroke.
Then do it right, or it may end up not being your forever car after all.
We both work from home anyway, so we’re accustomed to being together all day every day. The unfortunate fact that we live in Alabama is somewhat mitigated by the fact that non-wealthy people can actually afford a three-bedroom house here. BR2 is his kiddo, who’s only here about 3 days a week, BR3 is my office / Craft…