
Narrator’s voice: That happened.

In this case, they fired the brutal cop, and then they fired the “good cop” who didn’t report the brutal cop. If this was SOP everywhere, every time, we’d live in a better world.

Yep, that’s what I was going to say.

I would think ushering in the apocalypse through his complete mishandling of this pandemic would actually be a positive thing in evangelicals’ minds.

The math? Neither candidate is even half way to the required numbers. The majority of the country has yet to vote. 

Don’t you understand that if we simply avoid mentioning Joe Biden’s horrific record and absolute lack of appeal to anyone under 45, those issues will simply go away in time for a general election?

There’s probably something to that, but I suspect the larger issue is that Democratic women over 35 were Hillary Clinton voters, and they still by and large blame Sanders for 2016.

There’s at least one actual statistical analysis that shows Bernie supporters are just as proportionally hostile as every other candidates supporters, so maybe we can fuck off with that argument already?

Ah ok so it’s not because of what I quoted, that’s a different story.

I’ve taken to saying “Do you love your Grandma as COVID-19 has a 18% chance of killing her and the flu has a .8% chance. Wash your hands for your grandma”.

And that’s the real crime with these fucking ghouls. They destroy lives, and whatever price they pay (which is probably nothing, of course) will never come close to proper recompense for the havoc they’ve caused.

I so want this fat bastard to get coronavirus. 

That too!

And a punk ass bitch. 

“But if there is nothing to be worried about, then why is he worried?”

That’s a bit of a concern for sure, but honestly, as long as we can eat and explore, we don’t really care.  Just excited to experience the country for a few weeks. 

I absolutely can and absolutely will complain about 18 mpg. That is truly unacceptable.

Rich guy Bradley has a backyard. Lives next to fancy Kristen.

No, no. Garages are for parking. The shop in the back yard is for working on stuff. 

That’s a lot of rationalizing why HER billionaire is OK, but others are not. She’s not wrong that every situation has nuance, but she’s really picking and choosing nuance to work in her favor.