Fired, Aren't I

Children of the Corn: Sweet Valley

What killed the dinosaurs?! THE ICE AGE!!!!

I have absolute zero concern for either party involved.

You all really need to lay off McFarlane. Not many people today dare to subvert racist tropes the way he does, in the fresh, edgy way he does. He's a modern-day Norman Lear.

there are passing references to Frederick Douglass, Roots, sickle-cell anemia, Tyler Perry movies, and—in the film’s most persistent running gag—the unavoidability of black penises on the internet.

They're not scare quotes, they're literally quoting what Stewart said.

I believe it's "trannies." And not sure what Aqualung has to do with all this.

If not satire, performance art. If not performance art, life imitating performance art.

Hm, fascinating. Tell me more about these Jewy Jews that are Jewing up Jew York City.

Some days I really hate the fact that I was born here and not in Sweden. Or Denmark. Or New Zealand. Or Canada. Or…

It's ok, you can watch "Requiem for a Dream" afterwards to cheer yourself up again.

2 Mo 2 Leficent

I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. Maybe because complex female roles are such a rarity, and movies that star women without dependence on a male romantic pairing are rarer still. But somehow, I was touched by the story. The supporting characters were weak but Jolie and the King were great, and I

I haven't seen it but I've heard great things - that it's an amazingly feminist movie. If what you say is true, and they're just buddies having a crazy adventure, then I could see that being a factor.

I consider Blu-Rays to be DVDs, just an advanced format of the same product. It's not like it's a different shape or size.. But with laptops no longer having built-in disc drives and Starbucks eschewing CDs, it's clear the disc hard-format won't last forever. Still, I wonder how much we'll lose by not having things in

That's definitely fair. I stopped watching after season 3, when they went to the tired trope of "2nd wife same age as daughter gets pregnant". *yawn*

"Come on! 'me so soollllyyyy!! me frap a dickie rong-time!' The acoustics in there were terrible. I was great…"

I'm done giving movies a pass that rehash that trope again and again. Put 2 opposite gendered humans together, they must therefor be wanting to fuck. Female thinks she's independent and strong, but only insomuch as she can resist fucking the inexplicably attractive and amazing dudebro. 2 PEOPLE CAN WORK TOGETHER

It's good to have hobbies. Good for him.

MF subverts some of that with Cameron being a football star and good at stereotypically "manly" things. He grew up on a farm, is a real small-town guy, except oh yeah, kinda effeminate and married to a man.