
Hot ham water.

The only one I was impressed with was Ahnold. And then because the people you idolize are now “burning in hell” is a very strong statement.

The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

I thought Katharine was kind of adorable and fun with her Warhol portraits and ski-injury hospital parties. And how uncool was Harrison Ford’s character, he just seemed so indecisive, like if you don’t like Katharine just break up with her, you weenie! She’ll be fine—“I am, after all, me.” LOL, damn straight lady! And

I would not could not bang the Mooch

Abed agrees.

Pickles always gets a star. Always.

Just two days ago I admitted out loud to a friend that I dont think there’s an album I’ve listened to in it’s entirety more than the Gorillaz 2001. She was like uh.... that’s pretty random. Which I guess is true! But as a suburban American 13 yr old white girl on the eastern seaboard I had never heard anything like it

Are you Barb Lahey?

I empathize. The same thing has been happening to me since the election. Eventually they’ll find a way to fix us, jazmanian, praise be, under His eye, blessed be the fruit etc.

It has me pining for the fjords.

Last week we had a very brief set back where Big Foot spent hours raging about nothing in particular and making absolutely no sense. During her rant she claimed that people (including me, the psychiatrist and the nurse practitioner) were trying to make her fat on purpose and she would figure out why sooner or later.

It is stressful. I’m sorry you are going through that. My fingers are crossed for you and your interview.

I finally finished coloring Flemeth, proof that Janeway is the best Captain because she can turn into a dragon.

Dammit, now that you mentioned Terry Crews as Genie that’s all I can think of or ever want.

TERRY CREWS... this is a magical idea, and I want it to happen, like, NOW. Yesssss please!


I don’t want to brag, (I’m bragging, I’m so sorry) but I totally married a Dan. He is so big and loving and fun and I want to airdrop guys just like him all over the world.