
Sorry, but this is seriously ALL WRONG! I can't find a picture of it anywhere, and I am 45 minutes from the closest fast food joint. Here's the scoop:

dropbox completely wins for files and documents in the cloud. evernote and simplenote are far better than the built in notes application. find my iPhone is essential though, and syncing bookmarks to mobile safari is really nice for my line of work. there are, of course, alternatives for firefox and chrome for

agreed. photostream is awesome with an apple TV too.

Utilizing the fan vent on the top of my iMac at work, i suspended the length for my second monitor cable from a paper clip. this keeps my desk nice and clean :) i just aquired an external hard drive to use as a Time Machine backup - i am going to build a shelf or purchase the elegant 'Backpack" from TwelveSouth to

I know it's "post PC" but I got my iPad 3g 1st gene as soon as they were available. It's durable, the battery lasts forever, and theres really not much besides photoshoppin' that I can't do on it.

I couldn't help myself.

I've ingested questionably raw chicken, questionably sour and old EZ spread butter, and questionably rotted artichoke in the last 24 hours, and I don't even have a stomach ache! humans are pretty resilient.

um… one size fits all then?


seriously. that bumper is the story here…

The Sixteen is the sexiest concept car to ever come out of america… Why hasn't it been built? Cadillac had me at 'champagne flute cup holders'

this is my setup at work :) enhanced with iPhone accelerometer switch-o-matic vision.

the Aeron's mesh bottom is ideal for farting... just sayin'

i need to finish my ammo box external hard drive enclosure, which will consolidate my desk nicely to only containing 4 items. I really like open horizontal space. at work, I have a Samsung 23" monitor next to my 21.5 inch iMac. I can absolutely work twice as fast because of it. looking to get the same one for home

That's Gawker's upload system for ya!

Theres that punchline I was looking for...

Time Traveller

Bob Barker, WHAT?!

for true global travel, you're going to need a mercedes.

Mercedes diesel engines for the win.