Well if they think they can hire a better lawyer than Tiger Woods, go nuts.
Well if they think they can hire a better lawyer than Tiger Woods, go nuts.
I don’t know why, but when I see this car I think of a Kiwi.
No no no. A company like Volkswagen would never have had anything to do with racial injustice.
That would be the all-electric Rav-E-Oli
Nah, that’s definitely the test-mule for the 2024 Toyota Rav-4-Ioli.
Behold, the 2023 Ford Ecanoline!!!
They’re still figuring out how to make the wheels round:
I would fully expect this is a gift from Russia or other allied nation without sanctions. Also, probably pretty easy to find out how it got to him, they likely could identify the model year, compare it against the purchase list, then determine who still has their vehicles.
The closest we got to a Chevy Camry would be the Holden Apollo I think, but there might be other weird stuff I don't know about.
All my Lexus live in Texas
maybe we’re moving to a stage where “Camry” is a generic word for 4-door, front-drive, mid-sized sedan? Like a kleenex or escalator, it’s just a camry.
Half a Century? It really doesn’t look that small in the photos.
Given that it’s cancelled, it is now officially their take on the Chevy SS.
Kinda surprised no-one’s brought up the new Alpine on the looks front:
A coupe with only 2 doors? What are they thinking??????
Personally I like Fast and Fur10us
You know how to MONITOR the manifold, you just don’t know how to MANAGE the manifold. And that’s really the most important part of the manifold. Anybody can just monitor ‘em.
I hope his Saab 900 makes a cameo.
I can see Jay Leno in a movie. How about they go into his collection and still his fastest cars, then Leno goes all bananas and gives a call to Trump who owes him a favor. Trump sends a massive ALL CAPS TWEET which ends with the US military out to capture the Furious cast. The millitary quickly captured the fast &…
And what is the deal with their manifolds? What kind of peril are they in? Can it really be that bad?