
This......is not a good song. I’m sorry, but that’s just how I feel about it. I don’t really know what Lorde is trying to do with this, it’s just such a radical departure into the mundane and boring. I don’t have high hopes for the rest of the album after this.

Is it any more cruel than saying “Come, we don’t have the resources to process you so you’ll be turned away or stuck in an overcrowded detention center during a pandemic”.

That’s an answer to a question I didn’t ask. But, that’s okay, because we’re in “the cycle” now.

Isn’t preserving American interests above all else the actual job of the Pres and Vice pres? I just don’t understand the points some of you are making. For instance, the idea that Biden is setting her up to fail by having her handle big issues such as the border is just silly. He’s actually giving her something of

I’m assuming the author of the article has been to the border and believes it is perfectly equipped to handle both current migrants seeking asylum and those that want to head there. Otherwise I would refrain from using the term “cruel” to address VP’s pleas. Cruel is what is happening right now at the border. Cruel is

Good points, but I fundamentally disagree with your first statement. You realize that as VPOTUS, she is second in command as the enforcement of laws of the land. If the law states no illegal immigration, she is compelled to state “Don’t come” as that is the law. Policing does not allow you to say that you are

Joe Biden is not directing them to defend Trump against her claims.

Tangentially, perhaps. But the bottom line is that Biden made a point to declare that the DoJ director does not do his bidding and has made a point to stay out of that. As painful as that is, and as much as I wish Biden would tell Garland “GIT HIS ASS”, it’s the correct call.

While I’m no fan of Biden, this doesn’t reflect on him at all.

I think a lot of people are missing some nuance here(because nuance is pretty much dead in the water in this day and age).

This doesn’t sound like she’s saying “I/We don’t want you here”, this sounds like she’s saying “It doesn’t matter what I or others want. Those in charge of the border patrol are going to turn you

I suspect it is a decision by the A.G. The President is not supposed to sink his fingers into the legal arguments being presented by the DOJ in Court by second guessing the A.G. I’m sure Trump would not have hesitated, and he had a highly political and partisan A.G., who had no reluctance in making decisions to

Just wondered if Marie is well informed enough to be writing on this topic, maybe she’s read enough about all aspects of it to offer a suggestion, or maybe delve into the issue more than just cherry pick part of a quote.

Harris’s cherry picked quote does improve in the context Jezebel wants to ignore.

So what’s your solution to this, Marie? 

The Week, a left leaning publication written by actual journalists, had a short story that put Harris’s complete comments into a nuanced perspective which sounds more like frustrated honesty than cruelty. “Do not come” was not Harris’s “original comment,” as Solis claims here. It came well within her speech.

How is telling people the truth considered cruel? At this point it is akin to jumping from the frying pan into the fire for so many reasons.

These kind or reporting articles always argue from a high horse cause they never have to deal with the repercussions of an actual outcome or decision themselves

There is NO right answer here. We’re still dealing with pandemic. Variants are out there. What the hell was she supposed to say? 

What was she supposed to tell them? Come on down! You’ll either be turned back or put in a detention center n Texas, which probably doesn’t have great climate control! Take a chance and send your children to maybe molested by border security!

It’s not cruel to tell people the truth.