
his name is john galt

Congratulations: you just became the 2016 GOP frontrunner.

I pray that some day "How is babby formed?" will not make me laugh but until that day, LOL.

All fetuses should be allowed to carry a concealed handgun to defend themselves against abortion doctors.

Oh, god. The overly earnest dude who doesn't want to pay for public services because "gub'ment" but does want to tell me what I can and cannot do to my own body because it's for my own good. Did he use the "but abortion's so gross!" argument? Because they always seem to fall back on that one.

"Time was when a woman comedian had to make herself ugly, cross her eyes, or fall down in order to get laughs."

And this is the guy who said that Amy Schumer is not attractive enough. He'd be lucky if Amy Schumer let him scrape gum off her shoe.

could it be....?


Remember: freedom of expression is a sacred right...until a religious conservative gets butthurt and offended. Then it is the devil.

Of note, this (very small) study was based on interviews with women ages 30-55. Specifically young women are likely to delay getting help — possibly because for most women in their 30s heart attacks aren't even a consideration. Women are also more likely in general to have the kind of non specific symptoms that can

Dear god why can't we have a show about all the cultured young ladies in Georgia who are smart and don't fight oh and also is multicultural because I am so sick of being represented by The Real Housewives Love and hip-hop and now this crap.

OMG is Bear an actual Bear that thinks she's people? Cause I'd watch the shit out of that show!

To be honest, public relations doesn't seems like the worst idea for police departments these days...

SOME PEOPLE HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN A BOWL WITHOUT SOUP IN IT. If you don't understand this, you are a heartless elitist.

So at this place, everything tastes like ham?

"Us" as in "women."

"Lol this is why I just CAN'T with white women."

You were being condescending to black women about their experiences with racism and yet you start this whole thread by saying you have a problem with how they handled themselves in response to your patronizing.

First of all, fuck that guy, he was trying to take advantage of you. Trust me, I'm going to be honest with you, what you're going through, I promise you it is normal, what you are going through is valid. Sometimes, like grief, the effects of a traumatic experience don't hit you until much later. Some people (and even