To those people:
To those people:
Yeah because classism, racism and sexism are so mutually exclusive and none of these things can intersect. Ugh. These discourses depend on each other and feed off one another but of course anything that makes white people feel better about themselves is the dominant narrative.
gifs aside, here, this is evidence to the 'um it's about class now, not race' people.
Values are only Family Values if they don't interfere with extracurricular sex with mistresses. The best thing a politician can do is called investigative journalists and let them expose these hypocrites especially if they are women and/or in the LGBT community. It is too dangerous otherwise. People are whack these…
Well, here's the thing, he's had work done for many years. So the plastic surgery thing isn't new. Second of all, what you need to ask yourself is why are these things, nail polish, lip gloss/lipstick, scarves, etc strictly "female related" to you? Because they aren't inherently. Third, Kim's gonna Kim, and that's…
"Look how much coconut water from a young coconut!! Very energizing. Very good."
I think racist Texans like the Jews from Israel because the republican party tells them to. It's those Jews from New York City you gotta watch out for.
Oooh! Does that mean we can ask Catholic Lawmakers to renounce the Pope and reaffirm their Allegiance to America?
And also, as Jia points out, you can't help but feel they're actually using the implied sexual harassment of the cover graphic as some sort of titillating visual. Like, ooh, we got your attention with this - now let me tell you how the exact behavior we just encouraged is harmful for women.
How is she a shallow asshole? She just wants a guy with hair - not a Ken doll. Maybe she dated a bunch of bald men and just wasn't attracted to them. (More for me.)
Is it weird to recognize that you want someone like your father if you have a good relationship with him. I was just in my pre-marriage counseling course and talked about how much like my Dad my fiancé is. My Dad doesn't treat me like a princess, he supports me and really challenges me to be my best and we just…
Nah, I just read that as "fuck the haters!" People tried to make her feel bad about her choices (which were hurting no one), and not only did they fail at making her feel bad, their predictions that she'd shrivel up and die proved incorrect. They were cruel and she's responding with sass and humour.
I think I understand what she was trying to say. There's a difference between changing things about your self/life because your partner is forcing you to fit some mold of what they want in a person, and making compromises to achieve a common goal with a person because you just truly love each other and want to be…
This is something I'm slowly realizing. My life dream was to be married to a great guy with an amazing career and I'd just take care of him. That was it. All I wanted. And then at 30 and a failed 9 year relationship I realized that it wasn't going to happen. So I went to grad school and started doing the types of…
Eh, if the collective internet decided to tell me what a bitch I was for having standards and how I was going to die alone, I'd gloat too. Not in an, "I won a man" way, more like, "fuck your opinions that turned out to be wrong." There is seriously nothing wrong with having qualities that you want your partner to and…
The woman is my goddamn idol. I mean, I still don't want to be married, but in principle I love her.
Good for her. I don't share most of her criteria for a mate (actually, I think our only overlapping ones are "brilliant" and "makes me laugh"), but she probably doesn't care about some things that I think are crucial.
Sorry. Into a box. They should crawl into a box...
Agreed. We just don't have an equivalent idea for adulthood in our culture and let's not pretend that if a woman straight up said "I'm awesome and I'm having a party to celebrate how happy I am" we wouldn't be calling her self-indulgent or obnoxious. Truthfully, I personally don't think marriage is that big a deal or…