
You really want to be "THAT" person don't you? I mean really? Protest isn't supposed to be convenient. They targeted a place that would have high exposure and impact. They used song which was a medium that made total sense in that space. They turned the protest into a performance in space where people pay lots of

I'm glad you think an orchestra being interrupted is more important than justice for an unarmed teenager being killed. Priorities, man.

As a professional musician and a frequent concert-goer, I applaud them. I think the protesters were more aware of music as a powerful, "living" force than some of the other concert-goers were. The organizers of the protest knew what the program was, and saw parallels between the music and their own struggle for

Why not? You are protesting to a group of almost entirely rich white people, many of whom will have pull and power within St Louis and Missouri. It was peaceful, musical and polite. It's the perfect kind of protest to counter the "thug" attitude that mainy have towards the protesters.

My comments did not reflect my personal views

Seriously. Look at her outfit (bedazzled denim on denim). Look at their house.

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

The guy sitting next her says " "He was a thug. He was a criminal." At 00:36 you can hear his comments and then at 00:57 he's asked if he want's to repeat them for the camera. He just smiles at the camera.

The protestors made and left these hearts behind.

According to Mama CaptainBromerica, who was there that night, they did it right after intermission and before the orchestra starting playing and were all paying customers. (Since apparently people are saying they snuck in?? Okay, STL. Okay.) She says they were very nice and it was a very moving experience.

Sort of related to this, Elisabeth Badinter published an article a while back about how these new types of helicopter/attachment/earth mama parenting - but particularly motherhood - are undoing the advances we've achieved in the last 50 years and basically holding women back but more perversely, through guilt and the

Kara I wanted you to work for Jezebel SO BADLY, I am so glad you are here now. Thank you for the love!


Thanks Mark for reminding us that we alone should choose what to do with our bodies and what makes us feel happy, and yes, beautiful.

The ones written for teenagers are nothing more than simplistic metaphors for trivial teenage angst.

If the choices she makes for herself and her body are being judged by you and others, then that's what isn't feminist.

This is some Gattaca-level false hysteria here.

It's extraordinarily skilled work and does look surprisingly natural relative to the amount of stuff she had done, but I'm going to take issue with one part of this post—and I say this as someone who had cosmetic surgery, for no reason other than 100% vanity—she did not have her nose and chin CORRECTED. There was not