I'm willing to believe that Yelp is a bunch of lying liars who lie, but the claim in the article was that Yelp admits they do this, which is what the comment was about. I've never seen them admit it either.
I'm willing to believe that Yelp is a bunch of lying liars who lie, but the claim in the article was that Yelp admits they do this, which is what the comment was about. I've never seen them admit it either.
Agreed on all this shit:
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one." Kinda funny.
For all I know it could be Myrtle Beach!
You (along with people who argue against consent education) seem to take this stance that rapists are bad people, they will always rape and lie, and there is absolutely no point to doing anything about it. Which is funny, since that pretty much applies to every crime, yet rape is the one that is controversial.
Placing the burden of proof on the victim is not right, though. And it's not working out too well in the court system. Either you'll have 95% of rapes going unprosecuted and many unreported, or a small percentage of false accusations. The reason so many rapes are happening is because men think it's okay to assume…
To the people who object to this: Do you want to take the chance that you are going to have sex with someone who is not 100% consenting? If the answer is in any way "Yes", you need to take a good, long look at yourself.
if you're not getting enthusiastic consent, you aren't doing it right.
"It is not difficult not to rape someone. " That right there. Well put. The mic you broke when it hit the floor might be taken out of your paycheck, though. But worth it, I would think....
Oh, so it was just brevity! Silly me.
Considering most of my racist teachers were white women (even though I had an unusual amount of male teachers), I have to say I have always seen white women as oppressors. They certainly are key to the oppression of people color early on as children. It's laughable to me that anyone would suggest otherwise.
A larger phenomenon that is not just white men. Plenty of comments on the Darrin Wilson fundraisers were white women, plenty of people at the "protests" in favor of were too.
Presumably, the teachers of color declined to wear the shirts.
Thanks, Teach For America! <—-sarcasm
I was referring to the photos you posted, primarily consisting of white women (someone else pointed out there is a dude hiding in the back of one picture). My explanation is in another comment.
Pretty much. You can't expect students to respect or learn anything from teachers who seemingly don't care at all that you and people just like you have been victimized. Teachers can only teach effectively if they remain neutral in the classroom. Shouldn't that be something teachers already know? WTF, teachers?
I was referring in part to the fundraiser for Officer Darren Wilson that has raised more than $300K, ostensibly from people other than white women and the protests in favor of Wilson, populated by both men and women.
If you're the parent of a black child who is in one of these teachers' classrooms, you have to pull your kid immediately right? No way I trust them to be impartial.
I don't want to look at the world through Race Baiting eyes but it feels like supporting cops is the new way to say f*ck Black people. And this is coming from a person who really has a lot of faith in people and our institutions, like the military. (Previous iterations of this are Tea Party Conservatives and people…
*Narrows eyes* I am married to one of you people and it makes me sick.