
“Lady stabs four children to death; officials speculate that it may have something to do with the fact that they were related to her.”

She clearly refuses to acknowledge the real underlying issue here in regards to her playing the role of Nina Simone, and also probably her own insecurities in identifying as a black woman.

That’s not my point, she insinuated that there was no one else stepping up to do it so if she had ideas or thoughts about who else would be good for the roll why not speak up instead of pretending like she was doing everyone a service by “making it happen”

Yet those same studios will make flop after flop with white casts. If just one of them would take the plunge and start casting POC as themselves, the others will follow. If one movie doesn’t make money, try another one. It’s what they do with white actors all the time with no problem.

Sounds like both projects will let her show all the torture and violence she loved to portray as necessary to stop evil things from happening.

Whatever, If I’m doing an ad with a mixed black/white couple with a child, I’m going to make sure that child appears to be biracial. The cheerio people managed it. I’m just saying typically when an ad uses a black boy, the boy will be obviously black. Little girls look like mini Zendayas or Zoe Kravitz. No matter the

Article was edited after commenters pointed out the oversight.

Did the article get edited? Cause now the song is referenced....but I swear it wasn't before.

I was born in Oakland and that line never sat well with me...cuz’ I’m fucking adorable.


Good god, please tell me you know what she is referencing when she says “LA face with an Oakland booty.” Please, please, please. DON’T MAKE ME FEEL OLD.

He did a lot more for me than that but you so want to make your point so whatevs.

Before I decided that homeopathy was hogwash, I went to a homeopath for my severe complaints stemming from misdiagnosed endometriosis. He used this method and it’s SO weird, but I could really feel the muscles go weak in my arm - or, alternatively, he would be unable to push down my arm. To this day, I can’t explain

Am I the only person that thinks your behavior is actually supposed to change when you’re pregnant and want to carry the child to term (meaning at some point it really isn’t going to be solely about mom and her body?)

IDK, I think his economic policies have been better for Cuba than what the U.S. would otherwise have wanted. Just look at Puerto Rico

Like a popular leader doing his best for his country under difficult circumstances. And being instrumental in defeating apartheid. And fighting against corporate dominance of Latin America. And promoting universal literacy, universal health care, and women’s equality.

It’s funny that the people who run around screaming I DONT CARE I HATE DRAMA, are the ones leaving a trail of drama in their wake. Like if you honestly didn’t like drama you would keep your fucking mouth shut

Okay — Canadian here — so forgive me if I don’t understand: Don’t the local police have jurisdiction? Why would it be up to a educational facility to deal with a criminal offence? Can’t she lay charges through normal channels?

That not’s not really the case from a Black perspective. We are told we HAVE to measure up to a yardstick that is very real and VERY mediocre 99 percent of the time and we handle it like we always do. With humor and a side eye.