Empathy for her? Nope. She’s a lying liar pants who seems to be approaching sociopath status. Lying about having cancer? Lying about who your children and parents are? Ugh.
Never. At what point can we sit back and stop bending over backwards to make excuses for White folks?
Here’s one: on a domestic flight I once witnessed two tall dark and handsome dudes walk on during boarding and an annoying lady said “oh, my, how handsome you both are!” and the first dude replied with heavy Israeli accent “we are Israeli, we are all beautiful”. To this day all I can think about that exchange is:…
On the upside, her morning routine just got so much shorter.
Ideal independence level: you make all your own money, don’t have any opinions, and love giving blowjobs?
“He’s been paid more than $10.5 million by the federal government to do all that.”
Our tax payer dollars at work, I suppose, and yet people get their tits in a twist about a woman in front of them at the grocery story buying Doritos with food stamps.
Yes, and everybody is a little racist, right? Latino men do rape every white woman they go out with. She should be able to make jokes about that! Everybody is so sensitive these days.
Yo are you guys going to write about Female Genital Mutilation being banned in Nigeria? I mean...it would nice if once in a while you try to perpetuate a nuanced view of a third world country.
Hmmmm, so you think the murderer took cues from the general atmosphere on Yik Yak? I think it’s very clear her murder is completely unrelated, even if it was done in a misognynistic rage of the murderer’s own making. First off, you’d have to prove to me that the dude who was returning to school after an eight year…
I call this “The Curse of the Self Righteous” All that fury and energy but directed at the smallest potatoes you could unearth.
I think it was just the right amount of flippancy. The group earns such dismissiveness with their nonsense.
I just read the article and I think it is fascinating because it echoes my mother’s thoughts about the way Caitlyn Jenner talked about being a woman in the first Diane Sawyer interview. She is uncomfortable because in her view transgender women focus on looking stereotypically female. For example, she didn’t like when…
That’s good because she says that if you don’t watch it in exactly the way she wants you to and with the correct intentions (which she leaves undefined, but don’t fuck it up), then you’ve raped her.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! If you watched her video that she posted in a public online space without her consent then that makes you a rapist. So, like, yeah. So there!
You realize this whole “diving into the comments to get hyperdefensive and insulting every single time you’re questioned” routine isn’t a good look for you, right?
I don’t really understand all the excessive hate for Buzzfeed on here lately. It’s not like they offered $10k to buy untouched Vogue photos of Lena Dunham or as if they took cheap shots at Amy Pascal’s private online purchases. Don’t worry, Jez, no one is muscling in on you.