
For some reason, some Americans think college students are a protected class that shouldn’t have to go through the trauma of dealing with the criminal justice system like the rest of us. I’m sure big brother left out the part about his sister being advised to report her to the actual police. apparently there is a

no, celebrity glam squads are better than us.

Yes...yes...Incredibly popular too. She definitely has some box office pull since thats what production wanted.

Remember many people passed on this movie because its written by a man that the family had a long term issue with. He wrote an unflatteringly book about Mrs. Simone, claiming he was her lover when he was openly gay. And the movie is celebratory reflection on this great woman; its a sensationalized story that claims

This is easy, they should’ve casted a singer/actress. Someone who already had a following. Someone who could’ve released a couple covers of Nina Simone’s music and created a buzz for the movie. By making the music a central part of the movie, they could’ve made even more money with the soundtrack. The logical choice

And the new Halle Berry

because Dascha boiled the whole controversy down to Afro-latinas are black too, leaving out the system of colorism that led to Zoe being casted.

I noticed that she carefully avoided the issue of colorism. Suddenly the big problem is if afro-latinas are black enough. And not the system of colorism in hollywood and black culture that puts some black actresses at the top of the heap. I think Dascha is just as ignorant as Charlamagne.

but they’re put on a pedestal in the US. They’re the ideal for all black women: exotic, mixed looking, not to dark, and good hair. I had a problem with this interview because she danced around the heart of the issue, colorism in hollywood.

Thank you for remembering that. I knew there was another reason I didn’t like him. David’s character was originally a white man who wrote a book on Nina Simone. Her family objected to Nina’s story being told through a white character that they said used her. They turned the man black thus escaping some of the racial

Here’s the thing about David Oyelowo participation. His character is a white man who wrote a controversial book about Nina Simone. Magically that charter has been transformed into a black man. Why is it ok for a dark black man to star in this movie but Nina Simone has to be played by someone that white hollywood

I’m black and I totally agree with you. I use to feel comfortable with the word and black people using it back when I was young and dumb. But I matured, studied black history and black liberation philosophy. Then I had children and it just sends the wrong message to my black children growing up in a community where

no it doesn’t make you a pro choice hypocrite. everything isn’t black and white.

This is an interview for Essence magazine, the largest black woman’s publication. Yup a group of black women asked him to speak on this for them.

Did she really? Charlize Theron criticized Halle Berry for taking stupid roles after she won an Oscar. Halle had to remind Charlize that the rules of Oscar gold translating to better and bigger jobs does not apply to black actresses. So the advantages that Charlize and Jennifer Lawerence get in hollywood doesn’t mean

the soapbox is the largest black woman’s magazine. i don’t know if Elm knows that

yup totally accept it and understand because of where he lived, the conditions he lived under, and the incredible change he was fighting for.

History if full of terrible acts. All I’m saying is its stupid to expect enslaved people to adhere to some higher moral code when their enemy stooped so low. Slave states created a violent and cruel institution. It took violence and cruelty to defeat it, hence the civil war.

Dude slavery was the law of the land. The South died in droves to preserve it, what are you talking they should’ve sparred the children because they may grow up to oppose slavery? Is the thought, the mere idea of kindness from the ruling class, a real possibility when you grow up in a land that fully embraced the
