while it’s true, Empire had so much ambition and was gone trough so many thing (first naval battle, firearm, complete world map, new graphic system, rework of agents and campaign...) that many people forgive its shortcoming
while it’s true, Empire had so much ambition and was gone trough so many thing (first naval battle, firearm, complete world map, new graphic system, rework of agents and campaign...) that many people forgive its shortcoming
Take the Citadel DLC however. It’s one of the best i ever saw. Fanservice trough the roof, and lot, lot, lot of cool and funny moment.
it depend of the fire emblem. In the Lyn campain of Fire Emblem 7, it’s obvious you don’t have any troops wiht you and just fight with a few people. Same thing for the first Ephraim chapter in Sacred Stones. Your characters are alone as well in the first part of Fire Emblem 4, as well as in most of the part of Thracia…
What make me sad is that the game doesn’t even look that bad. But the name kill it. Poor devs. Must be hard to work on something that will be burned on the internet by angry fans
The only thing that i don’t like are the “turned to ashes” dead.
honestly, no. I never gave one penny to FEH, but there is ton of things to do and it’s very strategical (extremely good surprise for the actual gameplay).
I don’t understand it, honestly.
heroes of the storm have more than 15 different map (layout, objective, etc), 20 to 30 min game at the longuest, no gold farming, no items, no unlocking new skil by leveling (you have everything at the start except the ultimate) and the use of talents to customize heroes to different build. Focused on teamfighting.…
try heroes of the storm, you will like it a lot, it’s exactly like you want
they aven’t ages well, and there is very few references to them. Most of the characters in witcher 1 are very different in the 2 and 3 (like triss who was an alpha bitch in witcher 1 and the sweestest girl you can imagine in the rest of the serie)
Because it is sport, you always announce who won after a match. Have you ever seen a article not spoiling who won X football, rugbt, tennis or any other sport match ?
Using a custom character have an advantage : when you play as a original character, you don’t hear his voice. It’s much pleasant to play WITH sebille than AS sebille. for example.
the main difference between those game is that you don’t need to read the mass effect codex for understanting the plot. Not even once. In FF XIII, you HAVE TO. And even then, it will make little sense
original is a big word : Casavir and Bishop are npc from neverwinter nights 2, dans those lines we see in this video and straight ripped off from the original game
the quest in FF XIV after the main game and before Heavensward were atrocious. More than one hundred of filler quest with at least80 were absolutely useless for the main story, making the character a mail man and wasting your time like “go from A to B to meet the guy” and when you are at B “ oh, sorry, the guy move,…
same horde mechanics, but you don’t play at all in the same way
it’s cheaper to play a whole race in warhammer total war than buying a special character in the tabletop game.
cause it take place in Verdun...