
This would sum it up...

This is another step closer to this.

As much as you point out, you missed one more element from the Seahawks: The majority of the Seahawks roster is former Vikings. With that being said, they got their rings before Adrian Peteroutsoon. My co-workers fondly call the Seahawks, Vikings West.

Lets just hope one solution doesn't create 3 more issues to be resolved, usually how it works with tuning a race car.

I'm glad they are working on the inability problem one step at a time.

It's OK, I no longer work for a Chrysler Dealer for service. Just John Deere construction parts.

THANK GOD, I hated the Dakota/Durango. The look, the ride, the quality, and working on them. Old or new.

I loved the entire DOOM series of books!

FAWK YEA!! Two of my favorite things in one article. Military News and the Seattle Seahawks!! I'll watch these vids later tonight and share a link to my dad in Selah.

They are speculating that the intended target was Putin's plane that was an hour behind the Malaysia Air flight 17. Separatists are very prevalent in the SE region of the Ukraine. Both planes are very hard discern due the extremely similar linear design, and paint schemes.