Yup I have nothing to but amazing things to say about Venmo. This is just identity theft.
Yup I have nothing to but amazing things to say about Venmo. This is just identity theft.
What I’m trying to get at is that reviews for movies are never a good thing. They skew your judgement before you even see a movie. Walking into suicide squad when it has a rating of 28% is a lot different from walking into at 85%. You already have in your head that it’s not gonna be good and you’re will more actively…
Jumping to conclusions about a movie you haven’t seen, because of a percentage on rotten tomatoes. We live in a world where DC can’t do anything right and Marvel can’t do anything wrong. Kinda feel bad for them. When BvS is rated lower than The Room, you know that their is something fishy.
Have to disagree, the Thor films from every stand point are bad films. BvS gets trashed because of plot holes and character motives, while the first Avengers movie, gets the almighty praise. The amount of plot holes and stupid character motives in the Avengers is insane, but every one nerd boners over it and don’t…
Besides bringing up story, what makes Snyders movies bad. Not gonna say he makes amazing films, but I always seem to enjoy myself. Sucker Punch is the exception, but I never get the hate for Watchmen, Man of Steel, and BvS. Sure they are muddled when it comes to story, but enough to always bash his movies? His style…
Exactly. I can’t give Trank the almighty blessing, but he seems to be a good director who knows what he’s doing.
How are you suppose to feel bad about prison inmates? Their character arcs are just non existent, besides coming together as a team.
Again, thats only because you know what they were before the movie. None of them ever really did anything bad or evil besides steal or beat people up in prison. Their character arc is almost non existent, besides them coming together and liking each other. I love the movie, just it never felt like I was watching bad…
I get they are bad guys, it’s just never shown in the movie. We are supposed to like them the whole time.
Were the Gotg crew ever really bad though? I haven’t seen it in a while, but besides the first 15 minutes where they are stealing the orb, thats it. Then they are basically trying to stop a bad guy. I never felt has though they weren’t heroes, just that they all don’t like each the entire movie.
You are only thinking of Fantastic 4 with that comment. Every other director has made plenty of movies. WB just needs to trust the person they hired and stop interfering.
Are Marvel movies really good? Sure the last two Cap movies and GOTG were really well done, but the rest are really sub par. Iron Man trilogy started okish, then kept getting worse. The avengers were ok mindless action, but nothing really makes sense plot wise. Ant-man was ok, the end felt really rushed and again we…