Leaving TWD Forever


Counterpoint: this country has a history of violence towards African Americans and you need to be sensistive to such realities. Sorry if in your white bubble something as racist as calling a black child a monkey is okay to you

Well, it’s official. I broke down over New Years and had a major depressive episode, was sent to a psychiatrist, and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I wanted to die. The stress over not only the shit in my own life (high housing costs, bills, student loans) just cannot gel with the stress that I’m

Cant believe prince harry is marrying an eighty year old british detective lady … ohhh miss Markle, never mind.

You better make sure your cat isn’t on Instagram before you unload your hot take to Mittens

I know my inability to measure consequences just well enough to not have any social media accounts. If I rant in the bathroom to the cat, I don’t lose my job.

Raise your hand if you feel your mental health has been affected by Donald Trump personally?

Apparently, Muslims never suffer from mental health issues. When we do something bad, it’s entirely of our own volition. When a white person does something bad, it’s a defect in that otherwise pristine, gorgeous brain of theirs.

(My friend gently let him know where she got her doctorate, and he calmed down.)

Show up in a working Iron Man costume and take the rest of my bucket.

As long as they are wearing costumes, I don’t care how old they are. Show up without a costume and you only get one piece of candy with a side of disappointed glare.

I’ve been told more than once that if I expect things to be 50/50 in a relationship that I’m going to die single. OKAY!

Do not malign the bagpipes.

My mom makes an awesome pierogi casserole with lasagna noodles. Very quick and simple hack for when you have a pierogi craving.

I vote for pizza since I was thinking about it as soon as I saw the article title before even seeing your list.

They can bring back the intermission when they stop showing me 20 minutes of commercials when my movie is supposed to start

I think they need to bring back the movie intermission, why are the movies so long now a days? You kids get off my lawn!!!!

Pyrex 18pc

Pyrex 18pc

I DEMAND a movie about Richard Attenborough checking the DNA in a mosquito and just saying: “Damn, this won’t work, will it.”

I’m still holding out hope for one of these. You got a Job? I can do it, don’t much care what it is.