
So I looked into it more, and it does indeed appear most of the adopted words came thru japanese into korean.

I apologize I barely know any korean aside from how to read it and some basics. What does 마이 mean then? becuase I can't find it in my dictionary.
And the kanji you posted has "mae" in it... so I still don't know the connection.
my point was, television is not a japanese word. And I've seen enough korean loan words

"terebi" as in TV? for television? that's not japanese origin. japan and korea both use plenty of loan words, especially from english. and "mai" and in 'every'? or "mai" used like 'my'?

In Japan, even the news guys have cooler hair than us -_-

I really really want to try it! but it's limited time, and I doubt I'll be in Japan before kitkat pizza ends.
although, i don't think it'd be too difficult to make at home! ^___^

now that he's out of the business, maybe there's an opening i can fill?

One method is to increase the difficulty on prize games, like the crane arm games – as if those things weren't $%&#ing impossible to begin with. Another would be to increase the number of games that use tokens, like slot machines. Either way, the negative impact seems unavoidable. That, coupled with the fact that

thanks for the headsup. unfortunately i may just have to wait. currently in South Korea

oh Japan life. space heater is absolutely a requirement! i don't know how they survived winters in the old days, what with their paper houses with no insulation.

I'm loving A Pilot's Love Song. But I can't find this movie anywhere :(

i think it's interesting to think if people's own character doesn't match their own face or appearence. cosplay is a good way to show on the outside, a type of character or personality that you like or can identify with, regardless of how you yourself look.

as I was reading the headline, I thought for sure it was going to say "...and twenty-five sold."

is there a new Wacom stylus? how is it?
i'm always tempted by the samsung note tablets. but i'd much rather just stick with ios. but darnit i want to draw sometimes!

Anybody else feel LBP Racing was no fun at all? The "charm" got in the way of actually letting me just play the damn game. too much loading, and talking, and switching between the pod and the world, and talking some more, and loading..... uhg

A new Road Rash game would be awesome! I had so much fun playing that when younger

is that a movie?

feel free to be creeped out by whatever you want :)
just know that people enjoy different things. so you being creeped out doesn't mean they should stop.

Those who really want to see want is behind the pixels could always get a part time job at an adult Japanese video company adding mosiacs to movies. Publication Shukan SPA! recently reported that part-time mosiac masters can earn around $15 an hour and the equivalent of $500 to $600 a month. Hey, with that kind of

i can play a turn based rpg on a touchscreen and be fine. definitely not an action rpg though.

controller support is a must for the action rpg. i still don't understand why there aren't any affordable controllers yet though.