
I haven't had a sense of wajah like that in a long time. Have those guys ever actually watched the stuff they do?

Never has the death of a salesman stirred so many people....

Same :(

Hey... they forgot GTFOOMW.

I sense a Hyundai being ripped apart in Volkswagen's headquarters soon.

Bethesda pretty much has to do it. Mojang is trying to Trademark a single word that happens to be in the name "Elder Scrolls" it would be like if I tried to Trademark the word Coca. I'm pretty sure Coca~Cola would be trying to shut me down too.

The only reason I bought the 3DS was because I wanted to play games in 3D. Keep the 3D titles coming!!!

Come on... if you're going to build a master race you need to keep track of these things...

Not now it's not.

I miss Woody Harrelson... er I mean that quirky pirate radio guy.

All I can say is .. First Person?! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

This makes me think that Lady Gaga is having too large an influence on the world....

Unfortunately EA doesn't have a "deal" with me so I won't be purchasing any EA games.

On the other hand if they didn't have to keep it hidden in basements it wouldn't be such a big issue.

Was anyone else imagining how many bullets and rockets could have hit that van in the time it took to assemble?

At which point EA sued Jalopnik to death for showing a Porsche.

The translation doesn't quite have the same ring in English as it does in Spanish but basically, "The Aventador was tossed." Followed by ".. to the trees".

You'd think that with all the money they're going to charge for this car, they'd actually be able to paint it all silver... :P

Yikes... Someone at Playboy is really a fan of the clone tool.