
this game could be your goatse?

"Ok.. who brought the dog?"

So they didn't have a problem with the player's ability to completely remove a game character's head with a gun, or to absolutely obliterate an entire city of people...

Just watch the MPAA try to figure out a way to sue people for buying games instead of DVDs.

Heh... MikoKeZ and Tietzu seem to have clicked on this story by accident. :P

It's funny to think that he could achieve all of his "Environment Suggestions" simply by turning down the colour on his monitor. Why does he need to involve Blizzard in this?

I should hope it would be a larger dev team. If you consider the depth of the games, it's a world of difference.

Well if Microsoft says that they've sold "over 5 million" and Sony says that they've sold "over 5 million" it would only make sense that the person to get there in the shortest amount of time would be the one to win. right?

@Locke562: I bet Andrew Ryan doesn't like him. He's been killed by a golf club millions of times now... I know I'd be kinda cheesed.

Boy is this guy gonnna be pissed when he sees Civilization IV: Raping Iraq for Oil

Of course Majesco doesn't need our pity. They make games that are worth 50 cents and charge 20 to 40 dollars for them.

Forget the movies. I want to see Lego Gears of War.

Someone needs to develop some blog code that checks the first 3-5 comments on any particular story and if they contain the word first, doesn't publish them, and perhaps bans the commenter. ;)

Maybe the ratings board folks should be looking for this sort of things rather than looking for nubity all the time.

It's strange... It seems that, other than this game, there is no evidence of a "Majestic Studios" developer out on the net.

I can just imagine the project manager, "hmm... looking pretty good folks, but I think it needs a pinch of Thief. Perhaps a dash of Diablo."

The worst thing is that they actually managed to make the character models look worse than those in Oblivion. I didn't think it was possible!!