Clearly he meant live fire exercises.
Clearly he meant live fire exercises.
The problem is the US is sick of expending treasure and lives in doing so. Libya? That was all Europe, until they left days after Gaddafi was dead, and the US had to take ownership of the void.
One man’s military adventurism is another man’s needed action, that only the US can provide. The problem is the US is sick of expending treasure and lives in doing so. Libya? That was all Europe, until they left days after Gaddafi was dead, and the US had to take ownership of the void.
Russia used the START treaty, and its prior unwillingness to resign it with Obama in office, as a bargaining chip. Russia stockpiles these chips as a means to be able to do things like redrawing borders, and offer them in order to get friendly deals in negotiations. The most important of which would be sanctions…
It’s not a great article. It lacks any geopolitical context and relies on unverified reporting from Reuters.
I say this as a car lover; only own a car you love, or absolutely have to own in order to make money. Public transportation is a great thing.
He makes plenty of sense. Why enter the great American culture of debt when you dont have to? Granted, he will own the thing outright but it will still cost him thousands each year just to own. It’s not particularly intelligent if you have public transportation options.
I dont think anyone’s first car should be upwards of $10k but anyone destroying anything they own, is also a mongoloid. I babied the shit out of my first piece of crap car.
Get the Integra. It will be a ball to drive, you’ll learn to drive a manual, and maybe even learn to do basic maintenance.
The New York Times report is better than the Reuters report. After that Breaking News twitter account closed I started following Reuters and have been shocked at the quality of their coverage. Which is worrying considering they are the lone news aggregate with actual bureaus anymore.
Flight hours>accidents. At some point statistics need to matter over anecdotes.
Why people frame this as a US only issue in any respect, is beyond me. China has been found guilty of breaking international law. If a lot of the rest of the world wasn’t currently selling out to them, quite literally, that might matter.
War takes on many forms. At very least, a shooting war or engagement with China in that area reroutes major shipping lanes, etc. But again, this is not a US only issue. China has been found guilty of breaking international law. Everyone but the US appears to be okay with that. It’s bullshit to let the US shoulder this…
It would be disastrous for the entire world. Why people frame this as a US only issue in any respect, is beyond me. China has been found guilty of breaking international law. If a lot of the rest of the world wasn’t currently selling out to them, quite literally, that might matter. As it should. The majority of the…
I would choose to believe men like Gen. Michael Hayden over the media narratives. I dont know what it says about our country when we dismiss them outright in favor of these narratives.
Meh, they both have a point. Chuck is just doing his job and LBJ has opened his mouth plenty, publicly, to be a legitimate target.
Mid-late 2017 is also the year Russia finally runs out of cash reserves. I say finally because through some maneuvering, mostly by cutting everything ordinary citizens relied on and mortgaging their future, Putin was able to stay afloat for longer than expected.
And it has reaped no rewards outside of headlines. Putin’s Arctic adventure has resulted in the planting of a flag on the seabed, and the realization that his current drilling technology, combined with the crazy conditions, means he cannot get any oil or gas out of the ground.
The F-35 articles follow the same critical F-22 articles recipe. Except now people are rightfully citing the F-22 as a success while also presenting it as an argument against the F-35 when all the while they played a part in getting the unpopular F-22 program canceled. This is while current and retired pilots involved…
Exactly. Now your passwords are as secure as your Google account is. So if it is, or isnt, it’s on you. As always. You’d think the country that laid so many of the foundations for the internet and world wide web would at least create educated, connected citizenry to help make the US a less inviting target, as a whole.