
John Waters is supremely cavalier and dismissive and that is precisely why we love him.

Most people who throw around trigger warnings don’t have PTSD. How do we know? Statistics, frankly.

His(?) ability to completely whip Gawker commentators so consistently and for so long is really masterful. The dude has some tells, but his opening salvo is normally enough. I think it’s Nick Denton.

Well, that’s what it SHOULD be for, but on some campuses, the whole trigger warning trend is turning into something more, and is being used by some sheltered kids to avoid “uncomfortable” or “upsetting” topics.

I actually did buy that Starbuck is dead, for pretty much the reasons the article listed, but also because it was A) before a lot of the other stuff on this list and similar switcheroo attempts, so it wasn’t something I was automatically expecting; and B) BSG was still at the tail end of the period where I could still

Lazy trolling, but obnoxious (to the levels of parody) Hillary supporter who is always the first to comment seems like a real Hamno trait.

Tomato Face troll has to be one of the writers somewhere in Gawker, no? That dude is always promoted and always trolling.

Hate to break it to Steven & Drew but America already HAS elected a ponytailed POTUS. Thomas Jefferson was rocking a pony on his inauguration day (and many other days as President)

Kinja’s motto.

How many Deadspin writers have secret Burner Kinja accounts to purposefully be bad commenters?

no other Democrats running for President gave speeches for the guys who blew up the world economy

Cool, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that we’re making these demands of the only serious female candidate and not making the same demands of any Republicans, or any other Democrats running for office anywhere. THAT is my point - not that this isn’t a good universal standard, but that it is ONLY the standard for her,

lololololol wat

no male politician? what about obama? people didn’t even think he was a citizen. for years. and some STILL don’t. even people who like obama have called for accountability on myriad issues. bill clinton was subject to a lot of scrutiny as well, from both the left and the right. i get that a lot is being asked of

The irony of these self righteous, deluded , faux liberals and Allies to the downtrodden, and brave white voices of social justice literally wiping their asses with money, is, well, pretty ironic.

most afraid: of winter behind the wall

OITNB’s Taryn Manning filed a petition with the New York Supreme Court, claiming she was wrongfully arrested.

The amount of people reaching to incredible lengths to STILL classify these girls as racist is bizarre. Someone on this story said it’s racist because people in the past have said “I’m not racist, black, brown, purple,. I don’t care!”. What the hell is the motivation there? Weirdos.


Alien appropriation is unacceptable.