
Someone who denies having sex with a person who accused them of rape and then later admits to having consensual sex with the accuser is definitely guilty. Guilty people tend to go to the extreme when confronted with an allegation. "Rape her? We didn't have sex! In fact, I didn't even touch her." Then they find out

I've always really, really liked her. She seems like a no BS, quite bright lady.

Lady has a master's. She's the real deal. :D

she definitely walks the walk.

Call me cold hearted, but I'm kinda ok with letting them try when it comes to a large and dangerous animal like a horse or a cow- the end result is whats called "Darwin Award". I'm ok with some people removing themselves from the gene pool...

Seriously. I do not understand how people are kneejerking to sympathy for a lady who ADVERTISED HER DESIRE TO SUCK OFF A HORSE.

Yes. Ideally topics should be full of thoughtful replies, interesting analysis, humor where appropriate, etc. Obviously, ignorance, hate and trolling are the opposite of this. But there's another problem, which is a pet peeve of mine, which is people grossly mischaracterizing the content or tenor of replies of

After the initial, massive shudder, all I could think was "Christ that sounds dangerous!" Horse are big animals, and being ON TOP of one comes with its risks. Being UNDERNEATH one? Yipes.

she posted a photo of herself an put that ad up... She's humiliated herself already.

At the time I'm writing this reply, there's 140 replies in the thread. Exactly...2 of them are making any negative comment on her trans status. A few are noting that (along with her sexual orientation and taste in TV shows), her trans identity has nothing inherent to do with her crime. and a few noted a previous

The difference is consent. Two adult people of the same sex can consent to having sex. No one is being harmed. A horse isn't consenting to having sex with a person. Barnyard animals aren't going to march for their right to have sex with and marry humans. To compare the two is just ridiculous and has no merit.

The whole memo assumes the reader is a white man. So the default at this firm is white guys, and anybody who isn't a white guy is a "diverse employee." Way to make non-white, non-male employees feel like they don't belong.

I never said it was excusable. I'm saying that the argument that those things are caused by gay marriage is bullshit.

And pedophilia and pederasty used to be common in the ancient world, that doesn't make them any more excusable.

I was referring to the people that say legalizing gay marriage will lead, among other relationships used absurdly, to bestiality.

Do you object similarly to the lapdance middle school teacher's mugshot being posted? Which has also already been on the TV news and every other website?

and repeatedly drawing porn of children's characters and putting it where children can see it- and trashing the little girl fans of a girls tv show. yanno. those wacky harmless bronies!

Considering the fact that she's already been booked into the men's side of the notoriously abusive Maricopa County Jail, she's already been outed.

I don't see this particular person's proclivities as being a reason to believe anti-gay propaganda, not least of all because this person is not gay that we know, but most of all because villainizing an entire group of people because of one person's behavior (who doesn't even fall into that group, I cannot stress

It's so weird that fellating a horse is illegal, but masturbating a horse is fine if you're just going to use it to make more horses.