
i think the night of is extremely accurate. dumb choices are like 95% why people go to jail. and 95% of non-jailed people make dumb choices constantly, theyre just not in jail. example: everyone forever everywhere. i dont know how we are all still alive

Real life isn’t CSI. Not every burglary gets a full forensic investigation. Never mind that you won’t find much DNA in urine.

And there is 0% doubt that either of these men committed crimes. I think I'm ok with the death penalty in cases of 100% certainty. It's those cases where there is any possibility you have the wrong person, you shouldn't be able to sentence the death penalty.

I am on the fence about the death penalty, generally, but I think this argument is fundamentally flawed. It is untrue that”we are no better” by endorsing or allowing the government to kill this man. The difference between the government executing him, and his serial murders, are that he deserves it.

Humans are overly anxious apes. We’re not really better than anything. Look around.

This misses the point. Nico Hines’ staggering ignorance is the least shocking part of this article. The original piece included identifying information about these athletes—some of whom are from repressive countries where violence against LGBTQ individuals is common and sanctioned. With one incredibly crappy

The headline is sneaky and misleading—it makes it sound like ANOTHER poor black woman was killed by the horrible police. Meanwhile, she’s pointing a gun at them—which, black or white, is likely to get you killed. Come on, jezebel. Why are you trying to escalate things?

One of the warrants they were serving was on the guy that lived there for a domestic violence assault charge she filed against him. I’m not sure that “just don’t serve warrants, then” is a reasonable takeaway from this scenario, even given how little we currently know.

If she was unarmed, then I will gladly eat my words, but otherwise, I have to side with the cops on this one. Pointing a firearm directly at the cops and threatening to kill them really puts them in a no-win situation, and justifies deadly force. The fact that they engaged in a 7 hour standoff, rather than shooting

There’s a huge problem with people of color getting shot by police in this country.

This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.

I’m pretty sure they do have footage of her with the shotgun — they said the social media content is not deleted and she fired several rounds. Also, I can’t imagine the police waiting out a seven hour standoff if she didn’t have a gun.

I oppose the death penalty only because I worry about innocent people being executed. It annoys me that guys like Roof have no problem taking other people’s lives while being concerned for their own. He wants to live but didnt care that his victims wanted to live also.

There is a difference between dressing “like X-ethnicity or culture” and dressing like someone who is a different race or culture than you are. Just like I can dress up like Wonder Woman or Boy George without whitening my skin or doing anything weird or offensive, someone else can dress up like Lil Jon or Rick James

“I want Honey Nut Cheerios”

If you are willing to vote for Trump just because Bernie didn’t get the nom means YOU DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN ANYTHING BERNIE WAS DOING.

I’m so confused because up until now I thought Fox was such a warm, pro-woman, pro-human environment and that Roger Ailes was a prince among men, and now my illusions have been shattered.

I have to agree with this. It’s a movie premiere, not a transfer of the crown jewels. They aren’t set up for an armed attacker, and there’s no reason they should have been. While I can understand the anger and grief of the families, it wasn’t reasonable to sue.

As the story notes, it is a tactic to keep the plaintiffs from appealing. I see it all the time. The plaintiffs will agree to not appeal, and the claim for fees and costs will be dismissed. And, yeah, you should if you are out 700K for a frivolous claim. I see people all the time bitch about what a sue-happy society

I’m saying this without animosity or snark—can you remember a past primary where the losing party expected to play such a major role in shaping the party platform as Sanders seems to expect? I cannot. Something about this line of thought strikes me as inherently hubristic. I mean, he lost. When has the loser dictated