
I’m not saying that it was ever the right thing or not a disgusting thing to do but the sad fact is that in the 70s, lots of rock stars - most rock stars? - fucked 13 and 14 and 15 year old girls. These rock stars are old men now. Getting retroactively pissed off isn’t going to accomplish anything. I’m just glad that

y’all left this part out, which, imo is crucial info:

Dang, She’s good at this!

Big red light right under the glans, glaring at you like the Eye of Sauron. That should make things clear.

“All the democratic Arab countries in the world”? Hate to break it to ya, but all Arab countries are in the same region, by definition. Muslim people, on the other hand, live all over the place. In case you meant “Muslim countries,” it would be wise to remember that theocracy and democracy don’t exactly go

Yep. There’s totally not a long historical trend of crediting women’s accomplishments to whatever dudes are around as an excuse to deny them competency and discredit evidence of equal skill. Male chauvinism has created a debt against women’s labor; you don’t get to act entitled to a clear balance just because you’re

Is there anything like the bathroom of a punk club? Holy shit, when I think back, one place had sledgehammer holes in the doors, several had no doors at all, and they all seemed to be perpetually flooded. I miss being young enough to walk into a bathroom like that, not think anything of the fact there was blood in

It would certainly make the trip to and from grandma’s house this week that much more fun. Stop for Starbucks and a quick game of guess my natal gender at the rest stop.

my favorite coffee shop in Detroit has two bathrooms. one has a sign that says “better lighting” and the other one has a sign that says “stronger flush”.

“The fact though is that we want our kids not to have to decide which bathroom they get to go in. And not to be subject to peer pressure about which one to go in.

I think the answer should really be “on Chris Christie’s house” but that might require some expensive bus and taxi arrangements. Maybe we can just have anyone who is confused about his statement send him jars of urine? Like when they sent barrels of oil to try to save Dallas, or headless goats to convince Donald Trump

Female nerd gives none fucks about Star War, so male nerd must choose between fuck and Star War. Male nerd has never given a fuck about fuck before, but has given many fuck about Star War, so male nerd choosing fuck over Star War shows big growth. In his pants.

I have just moved into the “more than a tablespoon of food makes me want to die” phase. I don't know how people do this more than one or two times.

I miscarried fairly late (18 weeks) and I donated. It made me feel better to think that maybe something that could help others might come out of a very bad day.

If we all had to be sentimental despite the fact that no one who can hear us cares, we’d never get anything done.

But the Right gets to fight abortion AND science with these laws! Win-win!


You are assuming that everyone gets your reference pool because it is socially hegemonic in the white male nerd circles you are used to/think represent the entire experience of life

I did this last year with my wife^^