
Well, generally speaking, modern culture isn’t big on sweeping murder under the rug, or convincing people who’ve survived attempted murders that it was just a misunderstanding (and possibly one they themselves are responsible for), or glamorizing murder for advertising. Nor are there sweeping narratives dedicated to

It’s he most depressing thing ever and I want to kill myself after every episode.

Humans work with what they got.

Can you imagine if there was an app for that? And you could call in to work all "Sorry, do you mind if I swap shifts with Kate this week? I've just checked the Looks Like Rape app, and there's a 14% chance of sexual assault today."

Maybe a goofus and gallant version where you see one group obey, and one group doesn’t, and at the end, the first group is like “why do you guys look so ragged? why are half of you missing. This was not a difficult thing to do. They even gave us rules.”

i really like documentaries (and i am about to kill myself for this pun) but your husband is going

Yes. You keep responding to people who explain why your invented reasons are bullshit by saying that your last point didn’t actually matter, what really matters is this entirely different point you just made up. And when it turns out that new requirement you invented would also have eliminated some of the included

I’m just gonna take this opportunity to remind everyone to watch “United States of Tara.” So, so good. So much excellent Brie Larson-ing.

He likes to travel in the slanket like a spoiled baby kangaroo. Seriously, I have nothing insightful or worth anyone's damn about these seemingly weekly atrocities.

If it was a legitimate question I’m sure the candidate has ways of, you know, shutting the whole thing down.

I’ve been on Jez for an almost embarrassingly long time, and the fact that people didn’t get that joke is one of my favorite things that has ever happened around here ever.

I’m perfectly serious. As biologist Sara Hrdy said, “mothers are flexible, manipulitive opportunists”. From time immemorial we females of all species have culled, eaten, abandoned and aborted unwanted offspring. If the time and circumstances aren’t exaclty right - out they go. Like most mothers, once the decision to

I am so proud of my autistic child and grateful that we live in a community which has been nothing but supportive, inclusive, and loving. He is a delight and I think it’s incredibly unfortunate that some people treat autism as if it were a boogeyman that will snatch their child away in the night. I really hope that

Thank you. I am fucking livid at this persistence in referring to autistic children as if they are problems, as if they’re damaged and we need to stop autism so more don’t become damaged!!!!

Oh, but caring for an autistic child is a “lifetime prison sentence of hell and torture!” that “perfectly good, potentially GAWD FEERUN, and 100% organic people” suffer unjustly from.

My 8-year-old is prone to flying out of his room after watching some science video and interrupting my adult conversation to announce “The universe is 150 billion light-years across!” He then retreats to his room and shuts the door before I have time to remind him that interrupting is rude.

In one of my camp groups this summer I had an autistic kid who loved watching elevators. He was polite and friendly, got along fine with the other kids, listened to and followed instructions well, participated in the activities, and the only thing we had to do to entertain him during free time was allow him to stand

Under the anonymity of the internet, I can actually confirm it was Harvey Weinstein. I went to grad school with Ashley Judd and she told this story as we were discussing adult development and how some powerful men end up as predators. She was young when it happened and I absolutely believe her because a) every fucking