
I don’t have a picture to go with this, but those stupid intake-air-sensor resistor E-Bay mods that every wannabe installs trying to make their car gain “10 HP 10 TQs and .10 seconds in the quarter” for only 2 easy payments of $39.95.

Especially the Southern State Parkway on Long Island, where some cars can’t be expected to hit 30 on the ramp, let alone the 55 MPH speed limit. What I think we should do is have a speed limit per lane instead of per road. Right lane? 55. Middle lane? 70. Left lane? 85.

#7 is the exact reason I <3 my credit union. Got the loan through them for half the interest rate the dealership wanted to give me, and they threw gap insurance in for free.

Well played, good sir. Well played.

After driving a 2015 Civic... you would.

Please read the article. Paintballs.

They got that ‘vette from S.H.I.E.L.D.....


I will laugh my Italian ASS off if this turns out to be an epic troll on the part of the OP... out of curiosity, are there pictures of the mirror missing, post-batting? Is there any proof beyond the BMW parked next to the truck at all? For all we know, the owner parked next to the truck, snapped this picture, then

Not $7500 good, though.

As much as I want to give it an NP, the hand controls and the dent make this price too much to bear for what you get. $1500-$2000 at most.

I hit the reply button to rage at you, but then I read the rest and now I’m replying to say, “Well played, old chap.”

The fact that Serious Sam: BFE is on here makes me chuckle.

This is yet another reason why the 25-year import ban is bullshit.

They aren’t that bad. This screams either lemon, abuse or an actual curse. I’d also like to see how many of those owners were auction houses/used stealerships changing hands with it.

This is true. I was mostly being facetious with that last post. Chrysler did a couple of things right, but infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters and infinite time and all that jazz, yanno?

No, those weren’t good either. Chrysler hasn’t done good transmissions since... uhm... hold on, I got this... I.... nope. There was.... no, that was Getrag... Maybe the... nope. I got nothing.

Post-2000’s Chrysler transmission? CP all the way.

At least when the wastegate fails, it fails open instead of closed.

I cannot begin to explain how badly I want that #3....