
Internet Woman Shits All Over Famous-ish Person Using Her Resources to Actually Help People, And Though She Might Be Blind to the Ways Her Privilege Shapes Her Perspective, It’s Still Far More Than Internet Woman Will Do

The only reality TV show set in the Hamptons I want to see is Ina Garten's friends secretly talking shit about her in between luxurious yet simple meals prepared by Garten's underlings.

less Fleetwood Mac and more Katy Perry

Ummmmm, the rehearsal dress is from, like, a totally important designer.

I just want to say how awesome it is that our country’s first black president just endorsed our (hopefully) first woman president.

Thanks, Obama!

The support won’t flip overnight, and nor should it. Asking large blocs of voters to switch gears is never an easy process. It’ll take Clinton, Sanders, and (especially) Obama, former Senate colleagues all, some time to stitch this back together.

God, it just reeks of privilege and fucking idiocy...I just can’t with people. If you wanna watch the goddamned world burn, you must be one of the privileged to have a fireproof suit...

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

Um, maybe he should meet the father of the girl his son raped and then let's see who feels like this is a fair verdict.

“I made it NICE”!!! So New York Italian - loved it.

Stacey, I have some good news for you. Even with all of the gun control you are supposedly against, you would still be able to have a gun! I know, it is so exciting. You know who wouldn’t be able to have a gun? Your abusive ex. Double win right there!

My parents and grandparents financed this poor man’s Monticello boondoggle through the seemingly unending purchases of clown head sundaes in the 80s and 90s. It was de rigueur for the fêting of a child who had received a good report card, performed in a dance recital, or had gone a month without violently striking

Reads post in disbelief: Is this serious? Did people not...hear this?


I don’t mind that they’re preppy, I mind that they don’t look athletic at all. The other outfits all say some version of “we are about to work out” or “this is a formal outfit for a ceremony and we have to look alike (what’s up Canada!)”. But ours look like neither. Just “free day on the class trip, 1993.” Hmph.

No one would EVER say that a man who was a lawyer, Senator, and Secretary of State was not qualified to be President. It’s especially absurd coming from a man whose claim to fame is wasting his daddy’s money, going bankrupt, and driving Atlantic City into the ground.