
Just saw on Facebook that her sister posted she messaged her. She’s safe and trying to get out of the city for a bit.

I have hugged him, and it really was the best. I also never fail to tell people that I have hugged him, especially when provided with minimal prompting (like someone mentioning hugging Obama.) It’s a good goal!

My only problem is taht they’re everywhere I go, I can’t buy a box everytime I see one or I’d be swimming in cookies - on top of it I’m on a diet and noticed taht a box of thin mints contains 25% of my daily limit in sat fat when I eat 8 cookies.

barack kissing babies at kerbey lane at 3:30 am

Barack goes to Cheers and orders buttery nipples for everyone.

I hate date night. My husband says it to me to make me cringe. I also dislike “hubs”, possibly related.

You know your diet it over-the-top redic when Yoko Ono is like “wtf man what a waste of time”.

She’s mad about him! I love the scenes between those two: their chemistry is one of the least-faked parts of the show.

I picture Lisa Vanderpump logging in and out so she can vote repeatedly and make Schwartzy win.

You should try visiting and *not* going to the Riverwalk.

No one can afford Austin anymore.

Have you ever come across the #MyBoyfriendisBetterThanYours or #MyHusbandIsBetterThanYours or #MyFamilyIsBetterThanYours format hashtag? It just makes me wanna...

The phrase "date night" is abhorrent to me. I haaaaaaaaaaate it.

It is crazy. When my husband does something sweet or it is our anniversary, I tell him in person rather than posting it on Facebook.