waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?
waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?
I just don’t get why they haven’t already. As others have said, they definitely won’t announce it before the Link’s Awakening reboot, maybe they’re saving them for a hold over until BotW 2. With that likely being a few years away, I feel we still have a bit of a wait.
The day those games are announced for Switch I will be so damn happy. I have tried many times to love BotW as much as everyone else does and I just can’t. I can’t wait for the Link’s Awakening reboot later this month.
man, some of y’all are never happy
I haven’t been excited by a game announcement in quite some time. Seeing that Divinity Original Sin II was on Switch I was excited. Seeing that it was releasing today at the end legitimately got an out loud HELL YES!!! from me.
That was a bonkers direct.
The switch version does implement the new rules on the board so fusions are limited. I have it in case I’m away and want to get a duel in. Otherwise I’ll play the original version (on pc) where I can play the old rules freely.
That’s how I was. Eternal Duelist soul was great. Just the original game with none of the overly complicated stuff they added in later sets/shows. I picked this up and it absolutely scratches the same itch that that game did. There’s a ton of duels from the original series if you want to just stick there (and it’s…
...We’re fine. We’re all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?
Uh, had a slight weapons malfunction. But, uh, everything’s perfectly all right now.
Shows how many people actually read the whole article...
Clone Commandos got her. RIP
Fasc value*
Or fasce value.
What are you? Like, a grammar Nazi or something?
I really liked it...and then Fire Emblem came out
Not surprised tbh. Every first impression I’ve seen/read for this has mentioned how confusingly flashy the game is at times (most times). I’m afraid that might be a problem
I think the problem is the Switch exclusivity. If it was coming out multi-platform there’d be more talk. I know as a Switch owner, I’m pumped as hell about it.