Pretty sure you just misattributed the people in your cover image, guys. Bernadette Beck is on the left, not right.
Pretty sure you just misattributed the people in your cover image, guys. Bernadette Beck is on the left, not right.
I first played BioShock 2 with this collection on PS4 and now I actually have to disagree with the article. BioShock 2 is an underrated gem that's just as good as the first but may actually play better.
With the advent of SSD’s in the next console generation and the subsequent ‘deduplication’ of assets (because a lot of bloat in current-gen games is from asset duplication to reduce load times), hopefully we’ll see this reversed. But that doesn’t stop Modern Warfare from being basically impossible to keep on even a…
Happy to see Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age get all the love. I recently got it for my (quarantined) birthday and it’s been a very enjoyable and addictive romp through this pandemic, although I am currently stuck getting my ass kicked in the Golmore Jungle. Guess I need to grind.
Hear, hear for the Rogue Squadron trilogy compilation in particular, but, I mean, Aspyr has already done up KotOR II on PC, why not just put them on Switch now? They’re doing that to games they haven’t improved on PC before!
Two Jedi Knight games, Episode I Racer...
I guess you weren't prepared for... unforeseen consequences.
Can you tell by my avatar, the fact that I ran a Half-Life/Garry’s Mod site from 2012 to 2018 (which was even linked on Kotaku once!), and that I began developing a brand new version of said site last August, months before the Half-Life: Alyx reveal and before I knew anything about the “HLVR” leaks, that I really love …
HL2:DM was brilliant and I used to play it with friends all the time, up to 2012 at least. I won’t hear a bad word about it.
I forgot about this but my subconscious clearly didn’t, because I just remembered that I dreamt of a Nintendo Direct today where they’d announced a full-blown Metroid Prime remake.
Coronavirus is the real Y2K bug.
I was talking about Vesperia though. Which has been good so far, 10 hours in.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition on Switch! It just dropped to half price digitally on sale and I finally took the plunge.
Palpatine was portrayed as the main villain of the sequel trilogy in Rise despite the fact the previous two movies clearly had nothing to do with him.
Good game, right?
Here’s raising a glass to the once unsung gem in the LucasArts Star Wars library, but which has, in the last few years, accrued quite a following and is now something of a cult classic: Republic Commando.
Fucking finally.
Super-curious to know what you feel about the Hollow Knight double-jump, which not only comes relatively late in the game all things considered, but also can come later seeing as it’s a very non-linear game. I’m not even sure it’s absolutely required to beat the game.
It’s not like I can afford any sort of VR kit, let alone Valve Index, but still. Guess from my profile picture how excited I am that there’s a new official Half-Life game coming out for the first time in 12 years.
I was a big fan of Street Fighter IV (at least, as a casual player; I played a bit of it almost every day), but I always postponed picking V up, mostly because, even when Arcade Edition got a steep discount, it just felt incomplete - like eventually a ‘final’ version would come out cheap with all those expensive DLC…