The majority huh? Pulled that one out of you ass did you?
The majority huh? Pulled that one out of you ass did you?
That is adjusted properly.
Are you at all missing RWD or is the Fiesta that good?
There’s never been a comprehensive study on the safety of lane-splitting. The University of California Berkeley just…
A video of reckless morons speeding is why safe lane splitting is “stupid and unnecessary”? Perhaps we should ban candy bars because dumb ass diabetics can’t help themselves?
Exactly why they’re doing the 50/15 thing.
Ok to the drivers who inevitably come over from Jalopnik just to hate on lane splitting:
Clearly you don’t ride. We put our lives in the hands of all the idiots every single time we swing a leg over.
Clarence “Kelly” Johnson is the Babe Ruth of aerospace design. Aircraft programs under Johnson were so cutting edge…
Amy MacDonald’s accent is some serious witchcraft. If she whispered in my ear I would be powerless to resist her commands. If Scotland invades with red headed women armed with microphones you all better just shoot me, because I’m switching teams.
Most of the comments on this “article” are bashing conservatives and Fox so why am I all of the sudden the bad guy for trying to balance it out?
Shut the fuck up with your whining, conservatard.
Sure I can! I’m doing it RIGHT NOW.
This just in: Republicans out of touch with reality.
Yeah, that signal thing sucks. What I do is turn on Twitter SMS forwarding, which sends the tweets from those on your “notification” list as a text message. That way when I hit on even the slightest bit of cell signal I get a message dump of all the tweets. Don’t even need data.
I got u babe <3
I don’t know who does this, but thanks. That made my few minutes of the day.
request granted
Jealous. I work in San Diego, very, very close to Miramar. I see these flying overhead almost daily. And since I live in Orange County, I drive up through Camp Pendleton every day and have seen them just chilling, almost next to the freeway. But never have ridden one. Would love the opportunity, for sure.
Comparing the F-35 concept with the V-22 is not a good rabbit hole to go down really. The F-35 puts the vast majority of our entire tactical fighter/strike capability in one basket, and that alone has its issues, on the details end things like the F-35's mission radius and low observability, on the bigger picture end…