
Haha, yes in a perfect world...so many unreasonable solutions to haul kids and still go fast!

I can second that, with a caveat: the practical considerations that take precedence are more often than not driven primarily by finances, and our judgement of what is right or responsible as a parent. I may be misreading this, but it seems that he's asking if we'd "take" this car as a daily driver, not requiring us to

Sorry this isn't technically related to your comment, but just the image: WHY THE HELL IS THIS COMMENTING SYSTEM SO LAME, THAT IT CAN'T EVEN PREVIEW A PORTRAIT-ORIENTED PICTURE CORRECTLY?!?! Okay, now that that's out, let's all thank goodness that Skaycog's image-heavy COTD replies are usually landscape. And cheers on

Now playing

By far, the best tangle-proof, construction jobsite proven, electrical cord and rope storage method is the daisy chain. You get good at it, and it's waaaay faster too. Makes more of a difference the longer the rope or cord is. I found a decent video, just skip the first minute or so.

It already is doing a lot, just not with production parts. Castings and injection molded parts are so quickly prototyped, it helps the development process immensely. Much in the same way that 3D solid modeling reduced the design time, 3D printing is already, and will continue to speed up the development process.

Age 8: 3-wheeler = steering, brakes, scary. Age 10: golf carts and the video game Race Drivin = fuck yeah, because it had a clutch and 4 speed, and the golf cart had a trailer, which is a very important life skill! Age 14: VW-based mid-engine dune buggy - power shift at full throttle, real clutch, sand. Age 16: V-8

Note to Gizmodo readers: if byline reads "Jesus Diaz", stop right there. Note to Gizmodo editors: please fire aforementioned writer. Thank you.

I'm assuming this is NOT applicable to Hulu desktop? I tried to skim through their blog post, and it sure didn't seem to mention that. It's what we use on our HTPC (the WMC plugin, that kinda just closes WMC and opens Hulu).

Forget about not watching after lunch: don't watch it hung over. Geez-us.

The videographer said exactly what I was thinking, at exactly the same time: "Holy Sh..." And cut it off just like I did in my mind.

Lallaloleeelaloooleeeluulu Luke...I am your Faaaaaaatheeeeer. Also, your brain has a thick candy shell. Shut up Richard.

100% Super Duty, super cab, long bed. Not a dually, and I'm skeptical that it's '03-up since the mirror turn signals are not obvious ('03's definitely had that option). Looks more like just a reflection from the "F-250" or 350 emblem. Also, the two-tone paint indicates probably a dark blue or ugly green with light

Well said, indeed. I would also argue that this sentiment could and should be generalized (outside the specific discussion of space exploration) to include scientific research and advancement of technology in others specific disciplines. I'm guessing you'd agree. Regardless, I wish this wasn't lost on so many

At least this made up for being horribly confused about wtf the Conversation of the Day was. Using that acronym is for something new is like writing "GM puts out some really good product" and actually meaning that you like Wheaties and Lucky Charms. I mean, General Mills is probably not a better car company than

I was following my buddy when he did this same thing, without even crashing (it was much slower, maybe 10 mph), the deer took off, and he hardly flinched (either a badass, or in shock). Freakin deers...get outta the way of our man-made machines!!

I picked one up refurbished for $15. So, yeah, it's definitely worth what I paid. We only use it in our bedroom, so just the fact that I can watch netflix and hulu plus at all is good enough. I was using an old xbox, and paying for xbox live, but now that's going up on craigslist (i play zero games, maybe a few free

+1 for Group B Rally, and a vote for Mickey Thompson (MTEG) Stadium Series. Truck motocross, hopefully to return in some form (indoor, not outdoor like current CORR, etc), maybe thanks to Robbie Gordon, last we heard...

Hint: hover mouse over image, click "expand"

I think it's comically sad that you think that working hard and/or making the right choices is all it takes to be wealthy. At least that's how you came across.

Besides the obligatory "Gmail is different" message, I thanked my friend for the invite to Gmail (6/04), and mentioned, "Thanks for the invite! [other friend] was going to give me one, but ended up selling the two he had on ebay i think." Haha. Suckers.