
Wtf has happened to Jalopnik? Guy “mods” his car by making the factory bypass valve stay open to have the stock exhaust a bit louder and people are complaining that it’s not fair to the general public? Gimme a break people.

I don’t think you do see...and that is the problem.

Because cops seem to have selective vision when it comes to groups they like and don’t like. Stancers and ricers are often seen as no-good snotnosed punks who are too busy building crap cans with mommy and daddy’s money.

Wow... would have never imagined that comment would have been liked so much and garnered a COTD, but here I am. Truthfully I feel a bit strange since I’m mostly a lurker but I appreciate the kind words.

oh great, we’re rewarding truth and logic instead of sass now?

I remember that article and I was 100% into it.

“Millennials hate Cars”

Followed with

“Thousands of millennials get tickets for modifying their cars”.

I think stanced is stupid. I’m sure when I was younger older people thought what I did to my car was stupid (Big wings, body kits, subwoofers, underbody neons, black with

So if your bumper is too low, you get impounded. Yet put a lift kit on a truck to the point your bumper will literally decapitate another driver in an accident and it’s no big deal. I will never understand American automobile regulation.

Couldn’t the same be said of those who habitually speed? Breaking the law doesn’t change based on what law you’re breaking.

Theres a lot of double-standard righteousness around here from both the writers and commenters alike. I recall an article not too long ago (maybe a year or so) that lamented the apathy towards the stance scene, calling it just a different form of automotive customization and culture than whats considered the norm.

So how can slammed cars be ticketed, but lifted Bro-dozers never are? I’ve never seen one pulled over and ticketed for being lifted to the point, where if one hits you, the bumper is level with the victim’s head.

Thank you! It’s getting annoying, actually, and I say this as someone who really hates the extreme stance look.

Lot of self-righteousness here because car guys don’t like the other car guys who aren’t their type of car guys.

I see three total dickheads in the first three comments that appeared.

I agree with you entirely. I’d say those trucks are far more dangerous than slammed cars as the lifted truck bumpers will hit above a standard car’s bumper. The only way I can think of that makes the smalled ricers worse is if they’re bottoming out and causing premature wear and tear on the road way.

This is proof that whenever an old person says dumb shit like, “Well they should make a law against that...” we should just fucking ignore it. I hate stanced cars, just so you know where i’m at. However, i’m not against people who modify their cars like this, at all. Because ultimately, what’s the crime here? Who is

It’s not even a correct comment, much less the correct comment. Raph doesn’t mention being friends with anyone in the article at all.

My issue is the guys who attend the Nascar race probably have jacked up c10s with hockey puck body lifts and bumper and light heights that are also illegal, for being too high, and yet the cops don’t pull them over and tow their shit boxes for the same unsafe modifications

Lol. Good luck with your smugness.

They may be very different, but their mannerisms are the same. All sizzle, no steak. many bigots in these comments. Who would have thought an article about a PoC and Nascar would illicit such responses! /s