I find the display is regularly using up about 70% of my battery life... time to take a look at this guide methinks.
Now other phones are reaching 2.2 it only seems fair to role out Gingerbread to us Nexus owners. That's how it works isn't it?
The image has inspired me to make a Rubick's Cube live wallpaper... Give me a week.
If it gets rid of all the "UNDER 8 INCHES? LEARN HOW TO GROW UP TO 142652 INCHES IN 3 DAYS" ads and replaces them with stuff I'm actually interested in then I'm all for it.
Finally I'll be choosing a grass Pokemon as my starter!
I'm all for industrial design but... no.
@CaraDeChocolate: holy moly!
I just started playing the first Scribblenauts. It's actually got me glued to my DS after not picking it up for about a year.
I watched the NG documentary on this literally last week. Clearly I chose the perfect time to find out about it.
I'll repeat what everyone else has said about the phone being out in Europe and Japan for months already.
@Brian De Leon: the USA might end. The rest of the world has handled it quite nicely :P
@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: Aww ): Sucks for me being a G1 and then an N1 owner. Guess I'll have to adjust next time.
Why does every Android phone seem to have the 4 buttons in a different order? I prefer the order on my N1.
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: oh it was purely nationality (:
@Marc Rajs: wow, I actually had to look that up to find out more. According to Wikipedia we have a similar thing in the UK called "Weatherboarding". Can't say I've ever seen a house with it... not sure I'd want one tbh /:
Thank god my house is made of non-melty bricks.
@a059970: No, but it was in the 2nd millennium and the 20th century.
Cool beans.