
Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyyyyeeees!

BG was the better designed game. Fights were better, it was more classic D&D style and you had more options.
But when it comes to story, fun and craziness, nothing beats the planehopping madness of PS:T.  A succubus priest, a literally flaming pyromaniac and a freaking Modron?!  I loved PS:T.

Make it fair, put the Tesla on a downhill too.

Bingo... the big one being retirees.
They’ll trot retirees and 401ks out like we’re just trying to sacrifice older folks to ancient gods, because we’re taking away from their retirements!
Nevermind that 401ks tend to be longer term stock investments and thus this would virtually no effect on retirees...
But won’t someone

Can we use this when ICE comes calling?
“Why are you arresting this man?”
“He entered the country illegally!”
“Nobody got killed.... Nobody got robbed.... It’s not that big of a crime. Right? RIGHT?!”

I dunno, I just feel like bullshitting your way through an election is WAY worse than trying to live in this country...

Remember that in Europe, 2000 mile drives are a lot less common so it’s very rare that someone would need to stop more than once on their drive. Maybe twice.
Here in the states, it’s somewhat more inconvenient, since we’re more spread out and more used to traveling by car, so multistop drives would be more common. But

Here’s the thing though. Hillary ALSO talked constantly about an infrastructure bill. In fact, she was the first one to have any kind of plan and talked about $1 trillion. Trump’s $1.5 Trillion was literally just a way to one up her.

But Americans are morons.

I mean, we ARE just fucktoys right? That’s our role?

Or maybe, just maybe Basshatt is referring to the fact that being a single mother makes it extraordinarily difficult to advance careers and find high paying jobs.

It’s almost like they’re referring to the difficulty of single parenthood and sexism in employment.

Or you could figure it’s important enough to some people that we should double check and be careful of these things. Misgendering a trans person can still fuck with their day and their zen, whether it’s an accident or intentional.
Make the effort, acknowledge when people call you out on it and fix it or move on, just

Wait what? It has nothing to fucking do with that... Just fucking stop looking for a way to be offended. I mean for fucks sake, I am a woman and I’m pretty fucking irritated you consider fucktoy to be a feminine role...
The issue is our fucking politicians and powerful people shouldn’t be friendly enough and/or

Right? This is just as bad as all the people offended by saying Trump sucks Putin’s dick.
The joke isn’t that “HAHA Trump is gay!” or “HAHA Mike Pompeo likes it in the ass!”  The joke is that they are basically fuck toys for foreign powers.

So, I’ve addressed this at work strangely enough. Older LGBTQ folks consider a slur and not to be used. Younger folks however use it as more a descriptor and often feel it’s been “reclaimed”
Queer is not a slur to me and I use it often. Now context does still matter, but for the most part the word queer to me just

She isn’t just an ally, she points out in the article how she identified as a gay man for much of her life.
And as a trans woman myself, I can say that the word fag is a slur applied against us a LOT. I have passing privilege so I don’t personally use it because most people think I’m a just a normal straight cis

Sorry. I was referring to NEW monsters entirely, not just new to world.
So while I imagine world will get a small pile of existing monsters (GIMME GRAVIOS DAMMIT!) completely original monsters will be in the realm of 3-4 I think.
Though with everything having to be built from the ground up for world, maybe they’ll be

Just because it’s ice themed doesn’t mean ALL new monsters are ice themed.
Those eyes are specific to Nargacuga and she’s been a perennial favorite since introduced to the series. Narga is in the expansion.
I mean Rathalos isn’t found in snow environments normally either.

Agreed. This expansion sounds like the standard “Ultimate” or “G” release. 3-4 new monsters, some sub species (100 bucks we’ll see hold and silver raths) and a tougher rank.
I do hope the new G Rank adds some serious difficulty, World has been pretty toned down.

Well that’s clearly Nargacuga in the trailer... The glowing eyes are a trademark of that monster.

They’re meant to be opened by little kids.  Hard to open them when Sakura won’t get her ass off it for the 30th attempt at a decent snap.

I’m just mad that right after his song goes “I’m the strongest man in the world!” Halfthor Bjornsson (The Mountain) didn’t show up and give him the stinkeye.

Yes. A typical doctors appointment (Check up, not feeling well, etc) is $150.
Which wouldn’t be that bad but it goes up for same day visits and even more for urgent care. That’s not including diagnostic tests, medications, etc. That’s just to talk to the doctor.
A typical trip to the emergency room is $500-$2000. If you