
My wife passed back on March 15th from a ruptured colon, looking back she had almost every single symptom I’ve heard of so far except pink eye, and the serious respiratory problems, through she did have a bad dry cough for a long time.  She was also in San Fran in dec, and our son lives there, and you just reminded me

However, i dont’ think ‘any’ application written for windows will run on the arm based version. There are x86 installs, x64 installs, and one would imagine you’d need an Arm install for an arm based chip.

While that’s true, you don’t magically get x86/x64 application support on ARM Windows 10. So any applications you’re using Windows for in the first place are probably SOL.

Imagine all of the kids of divorce who have a dad with the $500 version and a mom who bought the $300 version.

I know a genuine Panaphonics when I see it.

Hi Ivan! How’s the weather in St. Petersburg? lol

No sharks, but the locals *really* want to believe there’s a monster in the lake.

Seems it could be either autism or engineer.

From a glance at a map and casual knowledge of where giant ocean storms hit I think a Category 5 Sharkphoon could pick up a Great White and dump it in the Himalayas where I assume there are lakes. Then the Yeti could ride them.

If you drink enough Mountain Dew you can do anything.

Love the thought of Better than Bullion.  I’ve been using worcestershire and grilling.

Funny. I played it in 98, and was 16. My 15 year old daughter is going to play the remake this month when it arrives.. (damn virus physical delays yadda yadda...).

I”m looking forward to her reaction.

Wow am I out of touch, I thought that meme was just a joke about being stuck inside with your spouse for too long. Never occurred to me at all, that there could be racial overtones.

Donating money is now greedy. Gotcha.

You’re one of those people who can never be happy and just find a way to make everyone miserable. Even in a pandemic, this is just sad

It’s part of a $100 million relief fund. Is that enough?

There’s always one of these...

Just like so many conservative people are anti-gay until their children come out or they come out themselves. Or when they are pro-life until they knock up their babysitter or secretary. They have to suffer first hand to understand the consequences of their ignorance.

Plenty of gay men and women simply lead double lives and continue to suck the GOP teat, especially in politics. And of course the conservative asshat getting his mistress knocked up or having a daughter “in trouble” and quietly “fixing the problem”  while continuing to rant against abortion is a cliche at this point.

Just like so many conservative people are anti-gay until their children come out