
Wow am I out of touch, I thought that meme was just a joke about being stuck inside with your spouse for too long. Never occurred to me at all, that there could be racial overtones.

Donating money is now greedy. Gotcha.

You’re one of those people who can never be happy and just find a way to make everyone miserable. Even in a pandemic, this is just sad

It’s part of a $100 million relief fund. Is that enough?

There’s always one of these...

Just like so many conservative people are anti-gay until their children come out or they come out themselves. Or when they are pro-life until they knock up their babysitter or secretary. They have to suffer first hand to understand the consequences of their ignorance.

Plenty of gay men and women simply lead double lives and continue to suck the GOP teat, especially in politics. And of course the conservative asshat getting his mistress knocked up or having a daughter “in trouble” and quietly “fixing the problem”  while continuing to rant against abortion is a cliche at this point.

Just like so many conservative people are anti-gay until their children come out

Now playing

It does a lot more than impact loading times..... , just alone the levels and material textures can be more diverse as the PS5 with its quicker SSD would be able to stream/switch in more assets.

You know when you move around a level in this generation and you see some muddy textures or a low poly model that after a few

Look at the numbers: The PS5 is twice as fast as Series X at loading from SSD (and about a hundred times faster than PS4).

No... if the PS5 rumors of 9 TF are true, that is a pretty big delta. Though it should be noted that Sony went last minute megomaniac with the PS4 and they might do that again? With PS4 they doubled the RAM late in the development cycle which forced them to use the highest capacity GDDR5 RAM chips at the time. Highest

Also, don’t use Tor on your work computer because then I have to run around trying to figure out if your account got compromised since the credentials were used to login in what often appears to be somewhere in eastern Europe.

What exactly has this got to do with the unions or unionisation or somehow a gotcha that Biden hates unions (a pro-Bernie routine I’ve seen a couple times in the last few days now)? Some dickhead decided to go full NRA and refreshingly (even if politically motivated) a politician actually told the bloody truth on the

Yeah, I was right on the middle of that when people were starting to understand that hubs sucked and switches were the way to go. Quake.....

I can’t imagine the amount of future back pain generated by lugging those CRTs up apartment stairs

When lanparties were lanparties and one present had to be a Novell CNE. Crap - check the terminators. Everyone run ipx...

fuck. a picture from a bygone era. everything in this picture makes me nostalic and sad, because I’m old and will never have these days again

All the NASCAR fans will blame the Democrats for the change.